Deep Blue Fantasy : Merman!Tamaki Amajiki (Part Four)

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"He was talking just fine before," you said, resting a gentle hand on Tamaki's shoulder. "Do you need to go lie down again? It's been a long day."

Tamaki shook his head. He wanted to spend time with you. Just maybe you alone, without other people who might hear whatever nonsense came out of his enchanted mouth.

"He staying here?" Gabriel asked, relaxing his stance only fractionally.

"Yeah, in one of the guest chambers. We're waiting for the ships to the mainland to come back."

"That'll be some time," the man mused. "Oh well. If you ever need anything, you can always ask." This was directed at Tamaki. "And if you ever try anything funny—" a steely glint arose in Gabriel's eyes, making the boy gulp, "—you'll have to deal with me."

You smirked and caught Tamaki's gaze, mockingly giving him a sharp nod. Everyone in the room could agree that Gabriel was not a man to be messed with.

"Thank you, Gabe," you said, nudging Tamaki so he would know it was time to start moving again.

"No problem, Princess." Gabriel turned and went back to his work. He lifted something out of the basin that caught Tamaki's eye. It was a sponge. What was he doing with one of those?

Tamaki glanced at you, but before he could even think to try to subtly whisper something in your ear so Gabriel couldn't hear him, you pulled him back to the stairs. After a short moment of collecting his legs, Tamaki soon found that climbing stairs was much easier than going down them. He couldn't help but feel proud of himself for reaching the top of the landing.

"Yay!" you congratulated him when you were both standing together at the top. "You're really getting the hang of things!"

Tamaki blushed and smiled at the floor, nearly melting in the glow of your smile. How were you always so vibrant? You tapped him on the shoulder, making him look up to see that you had raised up a hand, level with your shoulder.

"High five?" you asked, giving your palm a little shake.

Tamaki hesitantly lifted his hand to press against yours, confused.

You giggled. "Do you not high five out at sea?"

"No," Tamaki answered truthfully. "What is it?"

You demonstrated on yourself, clapping one of your hands to the awaiting other. "Like that, except this hand is supposed to be yours."

You held out your hand again in the same manner, and Tamaki gently slapped his against yours.

"See, you learned something new today!" you beamed.

Actually, Tamaki thought, I've learned so many things today. I can barely keep up.

"Come on." You started walking and Tamaki hurried to keep up. "There are still some people I want you to meet."

The two of you didn't speak for a few moments, traveling together in companionable silence.

Finally, you broke it, making Tamaki look up at your pensive face. "Why didn't you want to talk with Gabe?" you asked, steps echoing off the walls of the cool hallway.

"I, um—" Tamaki tried to think of a good answer. He finally alighted on a half-truth. What could be better? "I get . . . really nervous around people and it's like I can't function," he admitted, keeping his eyes cast down. "It's mostly just around strangers I don't know very well."

"You're not like that around me," you said. "You talk just fine."

"Yeah, but you're just so—" Tamaki stopped himself before he could say any more. He didn't want to go too fast. He wanted your affections to be as much your choice as his were for you.

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