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I felt Robin's pain, that nickname made me see all the bad things in this universe

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I felt Robin's pain, that nickname made me see all the bad things in this universe.

I couldn't believe that such a disgusting nickname could ever be made.

I wish I had a drill so I could drill it in my ears and never hear again, that name made me lose all hope in humanity.

"That was the most demonic thing I have ever heard"Raven shook her head at the masked girl.

Terra didn't look affected by it which made me freak out, what if she starts calling me Beasty-poo? Oh my god-

"What the fu-"Cyborg said but was cut off by Robin.

"Star I can explai-"

"No! I don't want any of the explaining! It is obvious you are her boyfriend!"Starfire turned her back to him and crossed her arms.

"Who are you and how dare you speak such unholy words in my room?"Raven stepped closer towards Robin and the stranger.

"Kitten Walker"I never heard of her before, she must be new.

Kitten took off her mask and smirked, Starfire turned her head to the side and glared daggers at Kitten. Raven moves to the left leaving the two girls to glare the death out of each other.

"Mind explaining?"Cyborg asked Robin, he sighs and sits on Raven's bed.

"I saved her when H.I.V.E Academy attacked"Robin looked at Starfire who was still having a glaring contest with Kitten.

They looked like they were about to attack each other at any minute but were waiting for the right opportunity.

"So you saved her life and she took it as her Prince Charming talking her away to his castle"I said, Robin nodded.

Raven was rubbing her temples, she must be thinking about something important.

I look at Kitten and wonder if she'll expose us, to be honest we didn't even kiss and if we ever try to something always interrupts us! It's like the universe doesn't want us to be together!

"I think the name was sorta cute"Everyone except from Kitten looked at Terra in pure disgust.

If she every calls me that am ending my life, it's a never ending curse to be called such names.

"Really?! You thinks so?!"Kitten said with excitement, Terra nods.

I can't believe it..they bonded over something so despicable, what have I gotten myself into?

"Friend Raven, may I speak to you outside please?"Raven nods and they both leave the room.

While Terra and Kitten where talking about ugly nicknames, me, Robin and Cyborg were standing in a circle.

"Dude what are you gonna do with her? She made Starfire mad! God knows what Star is plotting with Rae to get rid of her"I asked, Cyborg raised his eyebrow at my nickname for Raven.

"Rae?"Cyborg smirked.

My face heats up as I gulp loudly, he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Something is going on between you two isn't there?"I shook my head.

"This isn't about me it's about Robin!"

"Oh yeah"Cyborg looks at Robin "So what's it gonna be Rob?"

"I don't know, if I throw her out she'll go and tell the news and I'll look like a jerk but if I let her stay Starfire will tear her to shreds"I nod at the statement.

This is one of the most dangerous scenarios we have ever been in.

I scratch my chin and think.

What could we do that wouldn't resolve in humiliation or murder?

"We could lock her in a cage and throw her in the basement"Cyborg suggested, I snicker as Robin rolls his eyes.

Raven and Starfire came back in, Star looked a lot calmer and Raven had on her normal poker face.

"So what were you guys talking about?"Terra asked them.

"None of your business"Raven said, Starfire smiled at Raven's rudeness towards Terra.
"You guys figured out what your going to do with the intruder yet?"Raven leaned on the wall with her arms crossed.

She looked so elegant yet intimidating, I never in my life would have thought that I would find a half demon attractive.

The way her purple eyes sucked you in when you look into then, her slightly pink lips that looked so soft and kissable.

The diamond on her forehead that would lightly glow when she got embarrassed or aroused.

Her voluptuous body that was one of a kind, her beautiful skin that would shine in the moonlight.

She's literally perfect in every single way! She's the only one for me!

Too bad that fucking dragon got to her first! He doesn't even deserve her!

"Not yet"Cyborg said "But what were you and Starfire talking about?"

"I am sorry but I am not comfortable talking about it"Cyborg nods as Starfire flashes him a smile, Robin was melting while looking at Star.

"By the way"Raven said loudly catching everyone's attention. "Get out"She said in a warning voice.

We all raced out of her room not wanting to face her fury, angry Raven is a nightmare that is impossible to escape.

"So Robbie-poo"Kitten walked behind Robin and wrapped her arms around his neck "When am I going to get my own room?"

Starfire was about to shoot Kitten with her Starbolt but Cyborg held her back.

"Get a room!"I exited the hallway and went into my own room.

I lay on my bed and close my eyes as images of Raven flash through my mind making my heart race.

I'm too deep in love.

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