Choke (100TH SPECIAL :D)

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[Violet is cold and emotionless. Clementine is jolly and adorably innocent. They were both forced into marriage and that's why they're always together.

But one day, something happened during lunch that no one expected to happen.]

3rd Person Pov

It was lunch time and the group headed to their usual spot.

"Here." Violet coldly said and passed her food towards Clementine. She beamed at this and thanked Violet for it.

"D-did she just?" Louis stuttered. Violet never gave food to anybody and here she is giving food to Clem.

I guess she's finally cracking huh? Louis thought.

He was happy now since it was the first time, Violet showed emotion in public which is very rare. Though it saddens him since he has a crush on Clementine but he decided to let it go since all he wanted was for his best friend to be happy again.

He was broken out of his thoughts when Ruby spoke.

"Hey are you alright? You seem to be uninterested in your food. Is there anything you want?" Ruby spoke to Clem which gained the attention of everyone.

"Actually yeah. I want a pet fish." She said. Everyone went back to eating while still listening.

"You're not allowed to have a fish." Violet coldly stated.

"But whyyyy?!" Clem dramatically cried which made everyone chuckle.

"Because my cat will eat it." Violet stated.

"But you don't have a pet cat!" Clem argued.

"Then I'll get one if I see a fish in our dorm." Violet countered In an emotionless tone.

"Sophie can I get a pet fish?" She asked while pouting and giving her puppy eyes.

Sophie chuckled before answering.
"Sure you can!"

"Ha! See I can get one!!" She exclaimed at Violet.

"Omar do me a favor. If you see a fish in our dorm, please cook it and serve it for dinner." Violet said.

Clementine dramatically gasped and playfully smacked Violet's shoulder which caused Violet to chuckle and everyone to choke on the table.

Violet just chuckled?! Everyone thought.

It was the only emotion they've seen apart from cold, monotone, angry, and bored from Violet.

Louis choked and a noodle flew out of his mouth while coughing.

Marlon choked and gripped onto Louis' thigh which caused the boy to let out another noodle.

Mitch laughed at Louis which caused him to choke.

Brody smacked the table from choking which caused Omar and Aasim to get startled and choke too.

Ruby and Sophie ran to the bathroom to throw up.

Murmurs started to go around the cafeteria.

"What is happening to that table?"

"Omygod this is horrible!"

"Hey why are you pointing a cross towards them?"

"Holy Mary mother of God. Please help them"

"What the fuck?"


"OH MY GOD! VI HELP ME GET THEM OUT OF HERE!" Clementine yelled at her wife while patting everyone's backs, trying to stop them from choking.

Vi padded over to the bathroom. And once she opened the door she was met with the smell of vomit.

"no Violet get out- urrgghh!" Sophie said then threw up.

Violet exited the area. She couldn't take the smell anymore.

Time skip brought to you by the group's choking

Everyone was very pale. They thought they were going to die from choking.

Clem went over to check everybody while Violet stood there with no expression while crossing her arms.

"Louis. You good?" Clem asked.

"No Clem. I don't want another noodle to fly out." He sighed before pinching his nose bridge.

"Brody are you okay now?" Clem asked.

"I choked. I choked on a damn lettuce." Brody answered.

Sophie was ghostly white.

"Sophie! Go to the clinic. I'll go with you!" Clem said.

"No. Let Marlon take her. Marlon?" Violet asked.

"Oh um yeah okay." He went out with Sophie and headed over to the clinic.

"Come everyone. To the nurse. Go go go!" Clem ushered everyone.

Time skip brought to you by Clementine's clementines🍊.

They arrived at the clinic.

Marlon and Sophie were peacefully resting on the beds. While the others were still getting checked on by Miss Martin.

"Miss NUUUUURSEEE!" Clem yelled.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Violet coldly snapped.

"My shoulders hurt. That's why I'm calling-" She was cut off when Violet started to gently massage her shoulders.

"Mmm~ you're good with hands wifey" Clem said. Everyone chuckled.

"You should have your own call signs!" Brody suggested.

"Chi(Clem) and Chu(Violet)"

"Aww that's cute"

"Together you are ChiChu"

"That's really cute."

"Lexie and Lore"

"Those names sound like they belong to fucking porn stars!"


"That's a good idea! I'll call you Chu!" Clem smiled.


"Okay but I'll still call you Chu."
Clementine said and smiled.

"My Chu" Clem whispered but Violet heard it.

Violet silently chuckled at her. She let out a barely visible smile but it was still there.

"And my Chi" Violet thought.

"Rest now Chi- err Clem." Violet said.

Clementine nodded and started to doze off.

Not long after everyone fell asleep.

Chi and Chu slept

while they unconsciously held each other's hands.




fucking cute little shits

btw who else was smiling when they said "my" to each other?

Me✋✋✋ and I'm not going to deny it cuz they're cute and soft and I love them to death :)

Ericson Kids on crack feat. Violentine Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora