Sharing A Hotel room with 1D

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Jasper POV:

"You can call me Jazz, Jazzie,Jay, Per, and lastly Jay Jay" I said.

"You can call me Nialler or Ni Ni"

"You can call me Lou.. Maybe even Carrots... And lastly BooBear.. But Harry might kill you if you do" He whispered the last part so that I could only hear him.

"You can call me Li Li or Daddy Direction"

"Im Dj Malik.. Or you can call me Zayniee"

Lastly Harry said " You can call me Hazza, Haz, and Harold... You can call me Harreh only when the time comes" he added with a wink.

"Okay how about that plan of yours Jazzie?" Liam said with a smile on his face.

" Oh my plan is to hide you 5 from my 2 best friends okay.... You all will sleep in my room okay"

Jasper's POV: Louis asked me to be their best friend.. Oh my gosh im gonna be beat friends with 1D.. Am I lucky or what... Night became to come I took all the boys in my room and told them to lock the door and ill be back.. "Ill knock twice okay" "Hurry back the room feels empty with out you...(he looks around) WHAT!!!! Im just saying that because we stayed in a bathroom with her for about 2 hours." Said Lou. Does Harry like me? Does Louis like me 2? "oh um ill hurry back I promise BooBear" I replied with a smile and I looked at Harry to see he was smiling. I walked to Summers room and there she was on her phone "Kila said she got snowed in so she wont be here for about 2-3 weeks okay" Summer said. THANK HARRYS HAIR!!! Yes I will only have to hide 5 hot guys from 1 pretty girl in 2-3 weeks... I go back to the room to find Niall gone... "he went to the fridge.. Oh and there he is" Liam said... " Okay who wants the bed(no one raised there hand) Who will sleep on the floor?(no one raised there hand)" I said... "can we share the bed Jazzie Jazz?" Lou said "yeah we can if everyone is okay with that..." Everyone nodded.. It was a King-Sized bed so I wasnt complaining. We laid horisontally.. it was Louis, then Liam then Harry, then me, the Zayn, and lastly Niall... I woke up around 2 am to find myself laying ontop of Zayn with his arms around me witha little smile on his face.

Zayns POV: I saw Jasper lying on my stomach. I was happy that she was laying on me instead of Harry.. Then she moved ON TOP OF ME!!! Ahhh the day has come hasnt it Zayniee Boy?? I just had this huge smile on my face. I wrapped my arms around her loosely and went back to sleep. I woke up around 2:50 am and saw her on Harry. How the fack did she get on him? You know what I dont even care. Who am I kidding... I fancy her!!! I fell asleep pist.. I woke up to Liams phone going off around 6 am. He answered it quietly and went into the bathroom. We all got up and went into the bathroom except Harry.. I looked back and saw him about to kiss her lips.. I ran over to him and picked up Jasper bridal style without waking her up and motioned for Harry to go in the bathroom. I laid her back down and covered her up and kissed her forehead making her smile a little. I turn around and see a mad Niall and a pist Harry. Louis and Liam werent paying attention.

Niall & Harrys POV(combined) Oh no he didnt!!!! He did not just do that. Ugh Zayn is the last person I want to talk about right now

Liams POV: I was talking to managment on the phone. 'You guys are going on tour in 2 1/2 weeks' Oh my gosh we just got on break for 2 months ugh. "Okay ill let them know" I said. I turn around to see Harry sending death glares at Zayn, and Louis and Niall are curious to what managment had to say. "Soooo??" Zayn said. I said " lads.. We will be going on tour again in 2 1/2 weeks!" Trying not to sound mad and sad. Zayn, Harry and Niall looked back at Jasper, then looked at me with tears in their eyes.

Sharing A Hotel Room With 1D*Editing*Where stories live. Discover now