Sharing a Hotel room with 1D

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Summers POV

I felt something touch me. I thought it was the covers so I didnt mind, until I heard a deep british voice say "Whats Wrong?"

I thought someone had broken into the hotel room. I was scared!

I walked into the room were Jasper was supposed to be. I didnt find her. I was freaking out this time.

I heard the bathroom door close and I heard Jasper's voice.

I knocked on the door and said "Jasper, are you done? I heard a deep British voice in the hall and im scared!!"

Jasper's POV:

I heard Summer say "Jasper, are you done? I heard a british voice in the hall and im scared."

The only thing I could say was " Maybe you were dreaming again... Oh and im going to be here for a while... It was probably that bean burrito I ate for breakfast."

Even though I didnt eat a bean burrito for breakfast. Summer was a blonde so she wouldnt remeber anyway.

I looked over at the boys. Niall was a rosy-red color for    holding n his laughter. Liam was telling him to breath.

Harry was whispering something in Louis' ear which made him say, " give it a try she'll say yeah, I know it"

Zayn was starring at me with his big brown eyes.

I heard Summers foot steps slowly vanish.

"I have to hide you guys.  The only way it'll  only work if u guys co-operate with me.. Got it?"

Zayn, Niall,Liam and Louis nodded their heads, but Harry said "As long as you hide me in your bed or under you in your bed." He gained 3 high-fives.

Zayn just kept looking down.

Zayns POV:

I know I..i mean me and the guys just meet her but... I dont know.. Its something about her..

"Hey,mate. You all right" I heard a deep british voice.

Harry.. No im not alright you always get the girls because you always have to make the move.

" im fine, bit I dont think we introuced ourselfs properly... Vas Happenin??? Im Zayn"

and I think your amazing and beautiful.

"Im Niall. I like Nandos."

"Im Louis.. I like girls who eat carrots! Just kidding..."

"Im Liam."

"And im Harr.. And were are One Direction"

"Hi guys.. Im Jasper"

She sounds so beautiful..

I know people say there is no such thing as love at first sight, but I think it might be possible

Sharing A Hotel Room With 1D*Editing*Where stories live. Discover now