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I think I fell in love with you.

Stiles's POV

Sometimes there is a moment when you know things will never be the same. For me, that moment happened on a dark and rainy Tuesday afternoon. School had just let out and students were running to their cars and trying to escape the rain.

"Just let me drive you home," I told my best friend, Scott, as we walked out of our last class. "We can put your dirt bike in the back of my jeep."

Scott shook his head. "No, it's fine, Stiles. I can't get sick from this weather, you know that."

"Yeah, I know. But just because you're a werewolf, doesn't mean you should be out in the pouring rain."

Scott chuckled as we reached our lockers. "I'll let you drive me, if it'll make you feel better."

"It will."

As I drove him towards his house, his phone beeped.

"That was my mom," he said. "She won't be home until late tonight. Do you want stay and hang out for a while?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'd love to."

After about three hours of playing video games and snacking on junk food, Scott suggested we watch a movie. I put in the third Iron Man movie and laid back in Scott's bed. About halfway through the movie, I realized he had stopped paying attention.

I looked over at him and saw that he was texting someone. I grabbed his phone from his hand and glanced at the screen. He had been texting Kira.

"Stiles, give it back." Scott pleaded.

I smiled. "Nope."

"Stiles," Scott laughed, "come on."

Scott's phone dinged, signaling another text from Kira. It read: Are we still on for Friday?

"What's happening on Friday?" I asked as I tossed his phone back.

Scott blushed. "I'm taking Kira on a date."

"Oh." I guess I wasn't surprised, but for some reason I felt...well, I wasn't sure how I felt about it.

"I was going to tell you. I guess it just slipped my mind."

"It's okay, Scott. I mean, you don't have to tell me everytime you ask someone out. It's none of my business."

"I know, but you're my best friend. You're the person I tell everything. So I should have told you about Kira."

I shrugged. "It's no big deal."

But as Scott went back to texting Kira and I continued watching the movie, I started to feel like maybe it was. A big deal, that is. I peeked up at Scott. I felt this weird pang in my chest. I couldn't help but think I don't you want to go out with Kira. Of course I didn't say that, though. I turned back to the movie and tried to pay attention, but my mind was consumed with thoughts of Scott.

My eyes widened suddenly as I realized what was bothering me. Shit, I have a crush on Scott.

Raindrops | Sciles [AU After Season 3b] Where stories live. Discover now