The first two hours she felt nothing. As assumed, it did not bored her. She worked perfectly asking Himadri about various things. But then she remembered of her baby. Her insides craved to see him. The file she was given, sat in front of her, she called Mita that once." Ma! What is he doing?",
She asked as soon her MIL received her phone.

" Nothing. Just slept.",Mita replied.

"Have you eaten Ma? ",Ria asked realising that she had forgotten to ask her about first.

Mita chuckled while answering," we too ate. You don't worry. Doi is alright."

Soon the phone call ended. Koustav came back around 3:45. He took his time telling her some other details about new norms and conditions regarding handling clients. They left around 4:30.

Ria was relaxing on her seat streching her neck and legs. It had been long since her university ended. The day webt better thab she expected. "Or the love making last night helped!",her innerself teased. Koustav's eyes shifted between his wife's blishing face and the slight traffic in front of him.The car ride was smooth until Romy's phone call arrived. Ria answered the call,the excitement was clear on her face. She put it on the loudspeaker, so Koustav could hear and talk with her too. But she never expected her to cry. Upon hearing her crying Koustav made the car park on the roadside, Ria prayed inside that this might not be any bad news. Ria asked after sometime," What has happened, why are you crying?"

"I don't know what to do Ria! Everything is ruined.",Romy's answer made her more worried.

"Tell me ! You are worrying us. What the matter is?",Koustav asked this time.

Ria seemed clueless for a minute while she replied," I'm pregnant. And he is not answering after knowing it.",Romy's sobs got louder.

Now Koustav looked at Ria's face. Never had he expected her to say the next," Do you want it?"

Romy kept quiet for sometime as if thinking something. Ria being more impatient," I'll kill you myself, if you think of aborting it Romy!"

This candid version of Ria amused Koustav. Romy answered," I too want it."

"Where are you?",Koustav asked, he was surprised to know that she already landed at Kolkata and was now hiring cab at the airport.

"Come to his home. We are reaching too. Be safe.",Ria ended the call.

Koustav was about to start the car,his wife suddenly got out of the car. He watched her buying a pack of cigarettes. The next moment when she lit one and puffed out a ring of smoke,shocked him more. She climbed back , Koustav was sitting expressionless, Ria gave him the rest of the pack. He kept it inside his pocket.

"You remember,you have a baby whom you are still nursing.",the taunt in his voice was very much present.

"My milk doesn't interest him that much,So Ma suggested me to give him formula.I've been doing it since a week."

"So why did you smoke? I never knew you smoke too!",they passed their house meanwhile.

"Being a newly married wife,you want me to scream it to you earlier!",she taunted back this time." Celebration of starting a work life or depression upon hearing Romy's incident- you can name both."

They took 20 minutes more to reach Ujaan's house. Ujaan was entering his house too. He was amazed to see them there." Excuse me guys! But I've to leave Kolkata super soon." Ria was shocked hearing him. Koustav was about to punch him, but thinking of Romy he controlled and asked," why? What happened?"

Ujaan chuckled and entered his hall,inviting them too." So I'm assuming  you guys don't know! I'm going to be a father. Romy just informed me today. She was crying and blabbering. She needs me, I'm going to meet her."

Ria looked at him widing her eyes. Koustav grinned and brought out the cigarette packet,offering him too. Ujaan had not taken a single puff till Romy entered. Ujaan had not expected her here. Ria and Koustav left the place telling Romy the truth. The couple needed their time too.

Upon returning home, they saw Doi with Titli. She was feeding him water. With that bottle still in his mouth,he stretched his little,cute hands to his mother. Leaving her shoes, Ria went to pick him up. She felt a strange sort of piece upon cuddling him. The baby tried telling his mum about his whole day with numerous types of gurgling sounds and mumbles. When Koustav went to him,he simply inclined and when he took him forcefully,all his drools were over his shirt. Both the parents laughed.

After one month, Romy and Ujaan got married. Koustav,Tuhin and Ria were the witnesses as it was a court marriage. Romy lived in Ria's parents' place till her wedding.

Doi/ Idhyant had been a blessing to not only his parents but also the whole family. He had always been a good boy since his Mum's first day of office to his own school days.

Nabila and Tuhin got hitched the next year too. Whenever Ria or Koustav were busy in office, the child got his grand-parents' love, the younger couple Adrij- Titli too got to share their time for Idhyant. Only for Idhyant,Niloy too started coming back to their residence.

With her husband,family and the loving kid on her sides Ria fulfilled her dreams. Every scar( both physical and mental and emotional) really faded with time. Koustav was grateful to the almighty that he got 'One More Time'.


Hey loves! Thanks for being here. You've been an amazing audience of my story. Do vote,comment and share. This story will continue once Idhyant will fall in love. Ria-Koustav's journey story partially ends here. Stay safe. Take Care. Be Happy.♥️♥️♥️♥️

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