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I shall not rush things, so I'm back with the next chapter that is not the epilogue, you'll have to bear me a little more. I won't say that next part will be the ending because I don't know x) Moreover, I'm adding this song for you to listen while reading the chapter, I like it very much :) 

A woman was walking in a park. She was walking aimlessly while being lost in her thoughts. She was stroking her belly while thinking of the choice she had to make. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a toddler collided against her legs before falling on his bum. He started to cry and she knelt down seeing his knee bleeding.

"Oh no, shh, what is it? A very bad boo boo! Oh no! How dare this come and make this little cutie cry?" She stroked his blonde locks and softly blew on his knee.

"How is it now? Does it hurt?" She asked. The little boy wiped his running nose with his hand and nodded his head no. She took him in his arms and got up with a bit of difficulty.

"Where is mama?" She asked and he pointed towards a group of people who were talking. She walked to them with the child in her arms.

"Dev!" A woman shouted while running towards her. She took the child from the woman's arms and put him down, then she checked on him.

"I'm sorry, we accidentally collided against each other and he hurt his knee. But he's very brave he didn't even cry!" The woman said and the child's mother looked at her with a tight-lipped smile.

"The beautiful fairy cheered me up, mama!" Dev said and put his thumb in his mouth, suckling it.

"Thank you..." Dev's mother began and seemed to hesitate.

"Annika, my name is Annika. And there is no need to thank me. How could I live a child in trouble." Annika whispered and after some more chatting with Dev's mother she left from there.

It had been two days since they had won over Aamon. She didn't see Shivaay since then. To be honest she had locked herself in that big mansion that was now only hers. Her walk to the park was the first time she had left her place since she left the witches' hiding place two days ago. She didn't even let her family meet her, she wanted to be alone to take her decision regarding her relationship with Shivaay and her family understood her. As Annika reached her home with fresh vegetables, she saw the person she expected the least waiting for her while sitting in front of her front door.

"Shivaay?" She stuttered and he got up.

"Annika..." Shivaay said as he examined her. They let their gaze dwell into each other's soul for a while. She could see that he had lost his vitality, he seemed paler than usual and his eyes had lost some sparkle that made his hazel eyes less vivid.

"Come inside." She whispered and opened the door letting him in and following him. She went to the kitchen to keep her vegetables in the fridge for the moment before going to the living room.

"Where are papa and maa?" He asked and her heart felt heavy on hearing him ask this. Didn't he know?

"You killed them... I mean Aamon killed them. They were on this train... and he made it explode." She tried to stop her tears but one lonely tear rolled down her cheek which he wiped.

"I missed you, Annika." He honestly said.

"You're not missing me. You just want me by your side as the trophy wife. As soon as life will go back to normal you'll go back to your bitches." She said and her nostrils flared with anger.

"If I could take back every pain I put you through I would do so. If I could make your first time happen on a bed of wine and roses I would do so but unfortunately, I made you lay in a bed of thorns and took your virginity like a tyrant. If I could give you all the due respect since the beginning then I would do so. But you know what? I can't do that Annika. I can't take back the past, I have no powers to rewrite what happened. But I have the power to write what will happen, and what happens at the moment. I did make you lay on a bed full of thorns but let me change these thorns in roses. I gave your wife rights to other women, today I'm giving you the power to rule over me. I am not Shivaay Singh Oberoi. I would be damned if my love for you didn't change me for the best. Annika, I am your Shivaay if you want me too. You can even take that name from me if you want. You already own my whole being. Please give me a chance. I want to be a friend, a boyfriend, a husband, a father if you need me to, a companion, I want to be your everything Annika just like you are mine..." Shivaay was holding her hands by now while tears were slowly cascading down his face.

"And what if tomorrow you become rude again Shivaay. You were rude because you didn't want to get married to me and now I'm carrying a child, what if tomorrow you say that you don't want a child? That you were not ready for it? How would you want me to explain to a toddler that his papa doesn't want him anymore?" Annika sobbed.

"That would never happen Annika."

"Why so?"

"I didn't use protection on purpose Annika. That night I came in you on purpose. I wanted a child. At that time I thought that maybe if we were to have a child Aamon would leave us alone. I mean since he had access to my mind I too knew his desires. And he wanted a child from you. I thought if we had a child he would leave us alone. And I also wished for the baby to be there and help us save our marriage." He said while stroking her cheek.

"Why so?"

"People say that children are a symbol of love... and love unites people." Shivaay said and kissed her forehead. "Let me love you... Please." He was about to kiss her lips but she turned away and went upstairs as he stood there surprised. She came back a few moments later with a few things in her hands.

"Here." She gave him a small box and when he opened it he saw the vermilion inside. She looked down shyly as he dropped a pinch of the red powder on her hairline. She then gave him her nuptial chain and he tied it around her neck.

"I love you Shivaay!" She sobbed as she hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you too Annika." Oh, it was good having his wife back with him! She had finally forgiven him!

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