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All of you who said that Shivaay is Aamon, you're right :)

She was stunned when she came to some realization. She was both scared and kind of relieved to know who was Aamon... well, according to her doubts.

"Shivaay... are you this beast? Can it be possible that your heart is darkened by his possession of your soul or did he just enhance the darkness of your heart?" Annika stuttered as she eyed the nuptial chain on her bedside table. If her assumptions were correct, then, did she marry Shivaay or Aamon? She always had doubts about his behavior as a beast almost every time except when they had sex. If he was gentle at that time, did that mean that she was having sex with Shivaay? Too many questions were in her mind but the most important one was whether or not Aamon knew that she was the one he wanted, Mahi the VIth? If he knew all that long he could have forced himself on her, or he could have prevented her from taking any drugs to be pregnant... And his rule? Why was he adamant to have a child with her, the woman that he despised too much.

Annika put her head in her palms as warm tears fell down her cheeks. It wasn't enough to have her marriage fall apart. A devilish wizard had to be added to the equation.

Annika wanted to make sure that what she was thinking was the truth and she didn't know how she could do that. A part of her wanted to contact Mreenal but she found the idea too risqué at this hour. It wasn't midnight yet and she didn't want to endanger her family. Another part wanted her to go to the Oberoi mansion and confront Shivaay or Aamon or whoever he was. But she was scared. Scared of facing the truth. She decided to wait until midnight to discuss everything with her family.

Shivaay was in a dark room in his mansion. He turned a lock, said something and a door opened. There, standing on a pillar was a bottle of a black liquid. Shivaay picked it up and drank its content. He made a face and sighed.

"I thought you were a weak person... who gives you this strength Shivaay? Who gives you the strength to overcome my control over you? Is it your wife? Is it this cunt? She left you, why are you still fighting my control? Maybe I shall end her character forever!" He looked at a mirror in front of him where his reflection wasn't mirroring his posture.

"Leave her alone! She didn't do you anything. Don't you dare touch her!" The reflection hit on the mirror almost knocking it over. Shivaay looked at the reflection and smirked.

"Too late, my offspring is already growing in her womb. I felt it today..." Shivaay or I better say Aamon revealed while Shivaay stopped fighting. He didn't know how this person came into his body. The first time he had taken control of his body was after he and Annika consummated their marriage for the first time.

Back then, he didn't really notice the woman but did nothing to hurt her. One night, as she was heavily drunk, trying to drown her pain of being ignored in alcohol, and he was drunk after a night out with some friends they had sex. The day after, he woke up unable to control his body and with another mind living in his own body. That person did awful things to Annika, cheating on her, beating her and he stood somewhere in his brain watching the person he liked being tortured. He didn't know why this man was tormenting them and he hoped that someday he would be able to go back to his wife.

Annika arrived at night in the cave. That time again, Mreenal analyzed her and at this moment she was shocked but shocked with happiness written all over her face.

"Annika, you're pregnant?" Mreenal exclaimed.

"Me? Pregnant? That can't be!" Annika broke down in tears. Mreenal held her shoulders and held her chin.

"Why are you so distressed, my child." Mreenal asked, stroking her cheek.

"I came here tonight to tell you that my husband... well, I believe my ex-husband Shivaay is Aamon... a few things hinted me towards him. If he got me pregnant that meant that he succeeded." Annika sobbed. She also thought about the outcome of this revelation, it could mean that she would have to kill the child. 

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