Fireworks (Phases 2: Attempt 2)

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The picture UwU (Also someone read my story so I am now famous UwU sorry I don't make the rules)

Kirishima's POV

All right, today is the day. I'm going to see some fireworks with Bakugou tonight! It's only 10am but I already feel like I should be getting ready. I don't really know what I expect to happen, seeing as I haven't even confessed yet, but I'm still super nervous. I go down to the common room to get some brunch when I notice Bakugou and the others arguing.

"It's not my fault you guys wake up so late!" I rub my eyes, it's way to early for Bakugou to be screaming right now.

"But we just want some fooooooood!" I hear Mina whine.

"Yeah! Come on Pom Pom, share!" Kami says, this isn't gonna be pretty...

"What did you say Dunce face!?" His animal-form pops out, cute.

"Guys... I just got up can you not right now?" I finally say, everyone freezes and looks at me.

"Sorry Kiri! It's just Bakugou won't share all the food he made!" She whines and looks in the direction of the food.

"Look... it's Bakugou's food so if you're gonna try and take some," I quickly swipe some from the plate and shove it in my mouth, "Ya gotta be sneaky about it!" I smile and everyone looks at me, shocked.

"Shitty hair! What the fuck is wrong with you!?" He walks over to me, looking me directly in the eyes. I start to laugh. "What's so funny dumbass?!"

"I-I'm sorry," I say in between laughs, "I just can't take you seriously when you look like that." I point to his ears.

"Fuck off." He walks away with his plate, making his ears and tail go away.

"Oh my god Kiri why did you eat all of it!? You coulda saved some for uuuuuus!" Mina whines, yet again.

"Sorry but I was super hungry," I rub the back of my neck, "I can make some ramen tho???" They all whine but reluctantly agree, cause that's all any of us know how to cook.

"I shoulda gone to my parents this weekend..." Sero sighs.

~Timeskip to 2pm~

Time seemed to slow down today, I can't wait any longer for tonight. Sero, Kami, Mina, Jiro, and I, had ended up in the arcade room, some of us just playing games and some of us just chilling on the couch.

"Haha beat you again Sero!" Mina squeals, they were playing Mario Kart.

"It's just cause you use the same thing every time!" Sero says defensively.

"And it works!" Mina sticks her tongue out.

"O! O! I want a turn!" Kami runs over to the two, leaving me and Jiro on the couch.

"You ok Kirishima? You seem a little on edge..." Jiro asks, though I wasn't paying much attention.

"I know why~" Mina says as she walks over, letting Kami have a turn against Sero.

"I-it's nothing! Really!" I say, sitting up. My face turning the same shade as my hair.

"Nothing? I didn't think a date was nothing?" Mina says, Jiro turns to me, surprised.

"Oh my god Mina it's not a date!" I say quickly, hoping no one else except for those two heard.

"Date or not," Jiro starts, "With who?"

"Bakugou~" Mina giggles.

"NOT a date." I say grumpily.

"Ok..." Jiro has a serious expression on her face, "but you want it to be, right?" I just sit there, not answering the question.

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