Weiss blushed at this but they take a bath together. Having dinner and watch some Netflix. Weiss goes to bed. Ruby followed her. "Ruby do you want to move all your things in to my room?" Weiss asked her. Ruby thinks it over then asked Yang if she was ok with this. Yang was so happy for them she even helps Ruby move in her things. Ruby cleaned out her old room.

Yang said maybe she can make it a work shop. But Ruby had a good work shop at the work place. So they just leave it empty for now. Ruby had some days of before she started work. So she spent most of her time with Weiss.

The couple did do other things by them self. So not to get sick of each other. Weiss has dance practice and Ruby has her job coming up soon.

Ruby was putting her clothes away in their now shared walk in closet. She accidentally knocked a shoebox of the shelf. It opened up as it hits the ground. But in stand of shoes they are love letters to her. Weiss had written her love letters in Secret. Not giving them to her. Ruby was reading them when Weiss comes in the room. Both looked at each other and Weiss looked a little upset. Ruby explains what happened. "I'm sorry snowflake I accidentally knocked this box off the shelf. It opened up and I found these letters to me. They are beautiful by the way." Ruby says getting up off the floor. Weiss just standing there not saying anything. Ruby goes to her and take her by the hands.

Ruby goes and locked the bedroom door then looked into Weiss eyes. Ruby started to blush and undress herself. Weiss does the same. They lay in bed naked. Their body close to each other. Ruby was making love to Weiss with all the passion she has. Weiss was so lost in the passion that she forgot about being a little mad at Ruby. Ruby did just read her private thoughts.

After a night of passion she forgave her. Weiss wake's up naked in Ruby's arms. She blushed at remember what happened last night. She wish to return the love she Felt last night. Weiss kissed Ruby waking her then kissed her body. Making love to Ruby. It was 9:30 am by the time they come out of their room. Yang smiled and teased them. Ruby was blushing softly. Weiss helps make food for them. They eat and Weiss has dance practice so she kissed Ruby good bye. Her and Yang are off. Blake talked to Ruby about the kids they are going to help soon. Ruby was excited to start work in two days.

Blake decided to take Ruby with her the next day and show her around. She even stopped by her new work shop. Blake was Busy with one of the kids, so Ruby started to work on an arm for a little bit then Blake comes back. They go home. Ruby made dinner for everyone. Weiss gives her a big kiss hello. Yang and Blake eat then go to their bedroom. Ruby and Weiss don't see them until the next morning.

Ruby tells Weiss about seeing your new work place. She was all excited. Weiss can tell how excited she was. "Ruby clam down or your not going to sleep tonight." Weiss says with concern in her voice. Ruby nodded softly at her. Taking some deep breath in and out.

Weiss kissed her lips softly. "Thank you." Weiss says Ruby kissing her back.

They go to bed and the next day Ruby and Blake go to work. Ruby was starting a day early. The clinic didn't seam to mind. Ruby made an right arm for a little girl and some legs for a little boy. She was on her 3rd project when she gets a call from Winter.

"Hi Miss Rose. I was hoping to talked to you about working with us." Winter says.

"Oh sorry but I told you I don't want to make weapons, And I have a job that I love to do." Ruby says as she still working on her next project.

"That's why I calling you, because I need you to fix an old arm for the General. I was told that you are the best for this job. I even asked your boss if you can come help us out and he said that You can have the afternoon off to came help the general." Winter explains to her.

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