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Two figures met under the huge banyan tree which marked the end of the village. They walked briskly, to the fields outside the village, talking in hushed whispers.

Then, suddenly they began to run. Both of them ran like maniacs through the open fields, the cold wind whipping their faces, thorns scratching their feet , but they didn't stop. It was their first taste of freedom.
After so many years, they were finally free.

"Quick! Hurry!", Kamala turned to look at her mother who was lagging behind. "If they discover that we're gone, they'll come after us!"

"I'm coming. Don't stop", her mother panted.

The moon had hidden behind the clouds. They stumbled in the dark. Their barefeet began to bleed from the stones, their lungs were ready to burst, but they kept running. They wanted to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the hellhole which was their village.

Both of them had agreed that if they stayed in the village they'd die. Her mother had spent nearly her whole life there, as a little girl and a married woman, none of the stages of her life had been very kind to her.  From being married off at a the age of ten, to being beaten up by her in-laws. She had had lost her voice to protest, until she saw Kamala go through the same thing.

She couldn't bear to see her daughter being taken advantage of every day. She couldn't bear to see her getting beaten up the same way by her husband. Kamala was everything she had. So she had finally gathered enough courage to break free with her daughter.

They wanted to leave everything behind - the abuse, the threats, the toxicity, overall the people. They never again wanted to meet anyone they knew there. This was their second chance at life. They wanted to start afresh.

They would go to the city, and manage to obtain a job as a housemaid in someone's home. It would be much more better than the life they were living.

They slowed down. The clouds parted and the moon lit the main road to the city. They had come a long way from their village. As they panted, and drew air into their lungs, it felt strangely sweet. It was intoxicating. Freedom was in the air.


That was it. Hope you liked how it worked out. Let me know in the comments!

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