33: Accidentally Unearthed in the Depths of the Internet

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"The right," Frank answered confidently, "Always the right, sir."

"Good boy." Gerard smiled, his praise affecting Frank more than he thought it would, a giddy circle of butterflies tugged at his intestines like wildvines. Now that this was actually happening, Gerard's words meant a considerable amount more than they had when he first got the job. When a waiter guided them over to a table, Frank took it upon himself to follow his preset instructions by going rushing ahead to pull out the left chair, holding onto the back of the seat while Gerard sat. He pushed it in, making sure that Gerard was comfortable and happy before he sat in the chair to the right, holding his hands in his lap.

Frank watched as Gerard took a menu from the waiter. Naturally, he thought about taking one when the waiter held one out for him, but he remembered and shook his head politely. Gerard opened his black-leather menu, asking for a few minutes to decide as he scanned over the choices he had in front of him, "You're doing well, boy,".

"Thank you, sir," Frank nodded his head, "I'm trying."

"It's not so much about 'trying'," Gerard commented, "I completely understand that this is an adjustment for you, but you are doing well." Frank smiled at that, feeling the need to thank Gerard again, but he held back when their waiter returned, asking what they wanted to drink.

"I'd like two iced teas, one lemon and one peach, please," Gerard ordered and Frank watched the waiter while he wrote it down, "We just need a few more minutes before we order food, thank you."

"So," Gerard started when the waiter strode off to help another couple nearby. He looked at Frank briefly before he set his menu down on the table, "Since we're taking a break from the contract, I want to give you this opportunity to ask me anything that you feel you want to know. I understand that what you are doing is a lot to take in, so this is a good time to question anything you don't comprehend or want to know more about."

"Okay," Frank replied, so many questions already popping into his head. This was such a big step he was taking and he didn't want to feel out of his depth before he carried on with the contract, "I do have some questions."

"Then don't hesitate to ask. You are with to someone who actually knows what he's talking about with all of this, after all."

"How does someone even get into this?" Frank shot his first question out quicker than he thought he would. He looked at the woodgrain of the table as his brow furrowed, "I guess you don't just wake up one day and realize that you're into all things kinky. There has to be a point when you find it and figure it out."

"That's a good question," Gerard noted, "It's not the same for everyone. Each individual who decides that this is a lifestyle for them finds it in different ways. Some may discover it through pornography, not meaning to find it but then they realize that it is something they could be into. They search more and then that is when they find out that they want in on what they once accidentally unearthed in the depths of the internet."

"Like one time when I accidentally stumbled on some stuff that probably would have turned Ryan's hair white." Frank chuckled softly to himself.

"But it interested you?"

"Well, yeah," Frank shrugged. He wouldn't have been here otherwise if none of this interested him, "But it wasn't exactly like I could act on it considering I was dating a glorified nun."

"You see-" Gerard started, only stopping when their waiter appeared at the side of their table, holding onto a tray, placing their drinks on the table, asking if they were ready to order, "Yes, we are. I will have the chicken croissant and for the young gentleman on my right, can we please get your chicken and feta salad."

"N-No cucumber." Frank piped up as the waiter walked away, grimacing as he looked at Gerard, "Sorry, I'm, uh, I'm allergic."

"Duly noted." Gerard smiled as he took a sip of his tea. Frank remained silent as he sipped his lemon tea, waiting patiently for the waiter to leave so they could continue talking, "Now, where was I? Ah, yes, from what you have told me about Ryan, he was not one for change."

Frank shook his head, "Definitely not."

ONE: Vanilla on My HandsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat