27: And All He Needed was Seven Inches

Start from the beginning

"There's so many... What?" Frank scanned over the different types, surprised to find them assorted by function than by brand, "Water-based, oil-based, silicone-based, mixed-base, organic and vegan, arousing lube, flavored lube, sensitive lube, anal lube, warming lube, two in one massage lube, specialty lubes, fertility lubes, male masturbation lube... What the shit, I thought 'lube' was lube?" Frank looked down at the box under his arm, completely perplexed as to what he should now buy to go with it. He simply needed lube and his predicament could fall under many of the different types. He frowned, scanning through the names beneath the bottles yet again.

"Can I help you?" Someone asked, making Frank jump in surprise and launch back a step, yelping as the box dropped on the ground. He stared at the girl who had been behind the counter, obviously having seen his dismay etched and painted onto his face, "Do you need some help?"

"Well, I, uh- No." Frank cleared his throat as he bent down, picking up his box before he sighed, "Yeah, I do. I lied."

"Well, what are you looking for?" She looked at the lubes in front of them both as Frank inspected the box of his toy, ignoring the red tint to his face. He was an adult, dammit, he could ask for help with lube if he needed it.

"I- I mean, I'm getting this for myself so..." Frank chuckled awkwardly, holding up the dildo before dropping it down weakly, "I guess, you're the expert."

"If you're going to use it for suction in the shower then I'd suggest something that isn't water-based so it doesn't run off, perhaps silicone-based."

"I don't have a shower where I live." Frank offered, "So, uh, something for when I'm dry."

"Well then, how about this dual mix," She picked up a bottle, tucking a piece of her long lime-colored hair behind her ear when Frank decided to get a look at her. Her pale skin in a gorgeous contrast with her highlighter hair, her lips a dark purple and pierced many, many times, her one eye solid black and the other a rimmed-white. She held it up for him, "It's anal-specific, water-based and peach-scented. It's also on sale, only six dollars."

"Yeah?" Frank frowned, taking it from her, "If- If that's best."

"Well, there's a whole bunch but the peach smells the best, doesn't smell like plain old lube, y'know?"

"Yeah." Frank scrunched up his nose, knowing exactly the smell in question considering Ryan would allow nothing else but plain old lube inside of him, no smells, no tastes, no fun. He saw the pink peach at the top of the bottle, "Well, then I guess this is it."

"Anything else you need? A toy cleaning spray? Wipes?" She asked with a bright smile and Frank then realized how stark-little he actually knew when it came to toys in general.

"Whichever is cheapest," Frank admitted as he followed her to another aisle.

"This is the best cleaning spray for its price," She handed Frank a small nozzled bottle, "I use the Nexus Wash spray and the wipes, and I've had no complaints or issues with it. It's antibacterial and fragrance-free."

"And they're how much?" Frank raised an eyebrow when he caught notice of her tight leather pants and her leather bralette, her midriff hidden by a thick black and white striped-something underneath her clothes. He also noted that she was most-likely his height but so much taller thanks to the intensely high platforms she had on; intimidating shoes that seemed so impressive to him.

"The spray itself is only eight dollars, the wipes are four dollars. If you buy both then it's only ten dollars."

"Wow. A whole two dollars?" Frank gasped sarcastically, "Where do I sign?" She giggled slightly and gestured to the counter as Frank grabbed a different bottle of spray than the tester he'd been handed and walked off, muttering under his breath about inane wipes for four dollars.

ONE: Vanilla on My HandsWhere stories live. Discover now