18: Far Too Cutesy and So Sugary Sweet

Start from the beginning

"Oh," Frank stammered, unsure of whether to say what he was listening to as he put his hand into his pocket, fumbling with the headphones inside, "I don't know if you would know the band..."

"I may surprise you," Gerard chuckled softly, "I know I am older than you but I do know a thing or two about music." Frank nodded at that, knowing full well that Gerard was intent on knowing what he was listening to. Gerard reached out as he took a step closer, bringing one of the earbuds up to listen without actually putting it into his ear. Frank held his breath at the proximity, looking up at his boss in silence. Gerard smiled almost instantly, "Ah, Korn,"

The comment took Frank by surprise because he knew the usual look he got when he mentioned anything to do with his music. Usually, a frown was a response because they didn't know what he was talking about. Or, the other look; a look of disgust because his music taste differed greatly from most of the people he knew. Frank's eyes widened a little, "Yes, sir. They're a heavy rotation."

"I will admit, I haven't listened to them in a while. I always preferred 'Life Is Peachy' over their debut album. It was much more complex and fun to listen to from start to finish."

"'Peachy' is a great album but I prefer 'Follow the Leader' more. Still a core fundamental for the band itself back at the end of the '90s but before they started dabbling in the raunch of electronic." Frank smiled, finally shutting off his music so the tinny sound didn't ring out from the inside of his pocket.

"I like that you speak your opinion even if it differs from someone else's entirely, it's refreshing." Gerard smiled before be cleared his throat, "I need you to do some things for me, by the by. When you're done with this, of course."

Frank nodded, waiting for Gerard to list the things that he needed him to do for him, but the list never came. It looked like Gerard went into a daydream for a moment, watching Frank, his stare making the pit of Frank's stomach churn with its magnitude. A moment past before Gerard snapped out of it, blinking, "Apologies, Frank."

He smiled sheepishly, trying to ignore the way Gerard's gaze had made his stomach do a thing that he hadn't felt for a long time, "Thought I'd lost you, sir. Was about to call a priest or Ghostbusters or something."

"I think we can leave Peter Venkman and Egon Spengler out of it, boy. Keep their number on file just in case you see a fiery being in the fridge, however. Any marshmallows flying around should definitely warrant a call. My apologies, though. It's just a pleasure to finally see you dressed so smartly. You look a lot more comfortable, if I may say so," Gerard explained, coming even closer to Frank in the small room. He raised a hand, running it over Frank's lapel like it was something that was completely normal. The small compliment made Frank warm up inside as though he were out in the snow and he had just downed an entire mug's contents of hot cocoa. The hand on his lapel, smoothing it down, did more than that to him. The hand moved, taking hold of his tie; the action had Frank hold in a breath and automatically lock eyes with his boss. Gerard adjusted Frank's tie, lining it up before he pulled it a little tighter against his top button. Frank swallowed at the tight constriction around his throat, surprised at how it was already beginning to make him feel breathless. The weird pressure against his larynx had a strange shudder leaving him when Gerard spoke, "I hope you appreciate what I did for you, boy."

Frank nodded, "Of course I do." He breathed a sigh of relief because the tension he felt surrounding them suddenly lifted. Brushing down his collar, Frank smiled weakly at Gerard's proud praise. Frank felt a finger on his neck; the contact to his skin felt alien, cold and warm at the same time.

"This wasn't there yesterday," Gerard commented with a frown as he pulled Frank's shirt-collar down a fraction, his tone low and curious. Frank realized what he had found and his stomach dropped like an elevator with a broken cable, plummeting into his new shoes. In the heat of the moment last night, Ryan must have put it there when he was all up against his neck, pleasure overriding everything else for them both.

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