oh my

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"I bet I can destroy that boy in bed!" Tae said to me while laughing. I looked over to where he pointed. A blond, short, sexy boy stripping up and down the pole - moving his body to the rhythm. He was wearing a black tight body suit, red furry jacket, some red sunglasses and a pair of black heels. He was absolutely crazy. Crazy hot, crazy cute, crazy small, crazy sexy, crazy flirty, crazy slutty, crazy amazing. He could wink at me once and I would come in my black tight leather pants.

Ugh... why the fuck did I also decided to go with leather pants.

I inhaled the amazing feeling of my cigarette and shortly after I released the smoke out my mouth, still staring at the boy. "I call dips Gugk" Tae hit my shoulder and took a sip of his drink. I turned my head slightly to look at him. He was completely out of it. Tae had smoked a lot of marijuana and had many drinks while spending the time at the pimp club. He just had broken up with his boyfriend and had been through some tough weeks without 'his sunshine', so he had come up with an idea to go to the strip club, which was more of a pimp house. Where his boyfriend 'surprisingly' worked.

Of course I said yes, who wouldn't say yes to sex.
Tae was a giggling mess but something quickly grabbed his attention. He looked over at the boy and checked him out many more times than he did before. He pointed at him, while the boy was busting down, with his back against the audience so you could see his amazing plump ass.
"Would you look at that Gugk....Look at that ass..Damn" I signed before letting out a deep chuckle and looked over at the boy again. He was fucking beautiful. "You know...He looks kinky as fuck, should we have a threesum with him?" Tae pokes my shoulder and asked leaving me a bit shock. I brushed it off with a laugh. "Tae...I ain't going to fucking fuck you, even in a threesum, I refuse." I said while placing my arm on one of his shoulders. He stared at me with wide eyes but began laughing.

I pulled up my cigarette to my mouth and inhaled right as a pair of lusty eyes met mine. I let the smoke get out of my mouth and leaned myself back into the hard red leather sofa that Taehyung and I was sitting in. I smirked to the boy who didn't stop the eye contact. After a few seconds a new song comes on and he slowly began grinding up against the pole, lazily to the slow beat of the music. "Ladies and gentlemen, give a huge hand to Park Jimin, who's finishing off with his last dance!" A man voice was hear from the speakers. I tasted the name 'park jimin'. He began dancing more serious and was damn hot. As he looked at me, he spread his legs while squatting down and swirled his tongue around his finger seductively. I began to feel my pants getting too tight. My cock was pounding and I had the biggest need to get Park Jimin that sexy little slut, to help me with my little problem that he caused. Even though we sat far away from the stage I could see his small giggle seeing my reaction, but he quickly danced again and gave small air kisses to the audience. He winked to multiple men in the audience, which made my blood boil. I wanted Jimin. I wanted him to seduce me, and me only. I wanted him to be mine. My personal slut, that could only scream my name.

As the dance was over the audience clapped like there was no tomorrow. Some people even stood up to praise the boy, who stood and bowed multiple times before leaving the stage. Tae was of course standing up, clapping for the boys dance.
I just sat and observed and the next dancer quickly came out on the stage. It was a woman with long black hair, tattoos and green eyes - she was also a bit older then the other dancers. I wasn't interested but Taehyung surly was. He was bisexual while I was gay. He looked at the woman hungrily. I signed and decided to lit a new cigarette since the other one was almost out. As I looked up again a small boy with a red fur jacket walked nearer me. All his attention were on me and he walked right into my direction with confident steps.
I groaned of the sight, and smirked at him as he came closer.

"Hello daddies..." He said with the sexiest voice I've ever heard, touching both Taehyung and My shoulders. Taehyung checked Jimin out almost drooling. His eyes wandered from his feet to his hair, but mostly rested on Jimins curves. I sat up a little more confidently and grabbed the hand that Jimin had rested on Taehyungs shoulder. I quickly dragged his body on top op mine so he was sitting on top of my lap. With no hesitation he wrapped his arms around my neck and I did the same thing with his hips. He leaned closer to me and I quickly turned his face so I could whisper something to him. As his face got closer I released a warm hot breath on his neck before leaning up to his ear. "Such a little slut you are...Sexing other men then me? I'm hurt doll." I whispered sending shivers down his spine. He leaned closer to my face and licked his lips as he looked right into my eyes. He sure knew what he was doing. I moved my hand further up and gave his ass a spank while i bit my bottom lip. Jimin giggled and tried to reach over to Taehyung but I harshly stopped him and pressed our lips together. After a few seconds he kissed me back and began slowly rocking hip body up and down on my lap.

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