Chapter 6: Night it happen

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^My baby boy. He got his first collar. And yes, he an fluffy kitten that twice his normal size.
I felt a cold wind come through my window at home when I open my eyes and quietly closed it.

I press the lock and look around.

9:00 a.m.

I nod and look outside seeing...oh.

I pull on a coat and walk onto my deck.

"Hey. What are you doing out here in daylight?"I asked and Ratchet frown.

"Optimus went off onto towards the lake. And I can't find him."he said.

"Well I can help with that. I told you I know this lake better than the town peoples."I said and got dress.

When I came out he was in his car mode and he drove up next to me. I moved my arms and lean on the hood.

"Now. Did he say where he was going?"I asked and he frown transforming over the snowy hill.

"All he said he needed to see something that was important to him."he said and turn away,"He been gone for hours.".

I nod and grab onto his hand. He lift me up to where I was sitting between his neck cables and his shoulder plate. We walked on pass the lake seeing the large reflection of the mountain.

"This place if beautiful."he said looking.

I nod,"It is-"I look on the other side of the lake,"There he is!"I said seeing Optimus walking around the lake.

Ratchet nod and started to walk that way. I held on and look around.

"Be careful Ratchet. There might be ice around here."I said and he nod walking around certain trees before Optimus notice us. He had an smile and walk towards us.

"Looks like he had a rough time."I said and Ratchet look over at me.

"He must of went on a walk to help him remember some of things from his past."he said and I look at the layout of the snow-

Out of nowhere the snow under Ratchet's feet gave way and he gasp slipping into the hole. I fell off and slide down cold rocks and ice water into froze water. I gasp for air and the force of the water made me go down.

"Ratchet! Orion!"I gasp for air before going under.

"Hazel!"Ratchet said when he went in the water looking. Optimus must of came down cause he moved giant rocks to block me from going into an dark part of the cave. I was lifted up and felt my body shiver. The cold felt like a death kiss onto my skin.

"Scrap! We need to get her to base now."Ratchet's voice echo in my ears as my first instinct was to curl up.

I closed my eyes and they hurried to do what they had to do.

At base...

I am at base in some kind of case that had warm air blow at a certain rate before I look up.

Ratchet was working and I smirk quietly moving to the side and knock on the glass.

Once he notice me he had a sign of relief and came closer.

"Thanks the primes. Are you feeling any pain? Or anything hurting at all?"he asked.

I shook my head no.

"I feel perfectly fine."I said and he nod moving a chair.

"We had one heck of time dealing with you being fainted while having to help you with your son. Something happen...hmm..maybe if you seen or understand what I am talking about you would know what I mean."he said and I nod...?!?!

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