"Hello there," I chirped picking it up.

"Well, hello you too. Don't you think you should call me up with such news? I'm waiting for a week now for you to announce your obviously turned out to be public relationship with your supposedly one night stand," her voice was a bit offended and hurt.

I bit my lips because - yeah. I didn't tell her anything. But I was sure she wouldn't approve anyway, so I just decided to ignore the problem again.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"Don't be sorry. It's your choice. But you could have talked to me. You know that, right?" She asked, with some concern in her voice.

I nodded, and somehow a tremendous amount of guilt flashed through me. I tend to forget that I had people who cared and I could talk to. I knew it was extremely unhealthy to swallow all my problems and bury deep but I did it anyways. I sighed and there was a couple seconds long silence in both end of the line.


"Yeah, I know. I should have called," I answered.

"Well, we can deal with that part," she began, with a little giggle. I frowned a bit confused but waited. "You know, I got a few days off."

"What do you mean?"

"So I just bought a plane ticket to Marseilles."

I literally screamed to the phone I was so happy. I can't even remember how long was it that I haven't seen my sister. Maybe a year. Or a year and a half. And now, out of nowhere she called and she says she is coming to see me.

"You did what?" I gasped. She chuckled happily.

"You heard me. So book a nice hotel room and start arranging the program."

"Will do," I smiled. "Starting immediately."

I was so happy that I basically skipped out of the factory. I couldn't wait to get home and start making plans for the next week before the French GP.

Charles called me on the way home. He just finished a photoshoot with Armani and I couldn't wait to share the good news with him. He sounded to be also in a good mood.

"Hello there," he greeted me. "I was thinking about you all day, ma belle. And next week," he giggled. "I have so much ideas about the ways we could spend some time together," he began.

I was listening to him being so enthusiastic and felt my heart ache. Fuck. I already knew whatever he has planned will have to wait.

I bit my lips and tried to sound easy and happy so maybe it sticks.

"Well, that sounds nice. The funny thing is that my sister Greta just called me and you know what? She's visiting me next week," I smiled. However, he didn't really share my enthusiasm, judging by the silence on his side.

"Is it OK?" I asked. "You know how busy she constantly is, we haven't spent quality time together for God knows how long," I said but he only sighed.

"Well, at least we're going to have a common subject," he scoffed.

I rolled my eyes because if anything, then that passive aggressive, ironic, scoffing Charles was the one I hated the most. I needed his supportive version but sadly that was nowhere to be seen.

"Ok, I guess then I meet you two in France towards the weekend," he said in the end as he somewhat calmed down.

I was so happy about my sister's arrival that not even that really spoiled my bright mood. I could hardly concentrate on anything else.

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