8. Chasing the sun

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What are you doing here? At Red Bull?

I got his message right after the guys arrived back from the Media Center. I read it and quickly shoved my phone back in my pocket.

I went to find Lee to ask if I could help him with something.

We restock our medical bags and checked out our office which was basically a small room with an examination table and some cupboards to store our supplies in.

As Lee explained - while we sorted the drugs to the containers - usually he doesn't do much on race weekends. Sometimes team members come to him with a sore throat or a common cold. An allergy tops.

Maybe only because of that, but he was quite impressed with my performance in the morning.

"Yeah, well I'm still an anaesthetist, you know," I explained and placed some trays in order to the shelves.

"The worse shape the patient is in, the more I'm comfortable to treat them!" I added with an evil smile. His wrinkled face transformed into a cheeky grin.

"I'm happy that the new generation is this enthusiastic," he told me and patted my shoulder.

"I hope you find your place here girl, and you won't be bored."

If only he knew my stomach was in a tight knot since I saw Leclerc. I was nowhere to be bored. I still didn't figure out if I should talk to him and if yes, then what to say to him.

Of course the reasonable decision would be to ask him to leave me alone. But every time I settle with this choice, his greenish blue eyes came to my mind as he watched me, licking his lips, then holding me, and...

See, that's it. That's my mind dealing with the right choice.

So instead of answering him I was hiding in the office and checked the best before date of every single medication.

Clara, we have to meet.

I was still in the office when the free practices finished. It was pouring rain but the Red bulls were good. Daniel had the best time, Max was the close second only to be followed by Bottas and Hamilton. Leclerc was even behind Vettel.

Please? I really need to see you.

I honestly didn't see his point. He could have had any girl he wanted and probably had his fair share already. Of course he had, why wouldn't he? He is young, talented, rich and sexy as fuck. I scoffed on this thought and sank down in an armchair.

The room was getting dark because of the cloudy, rainy weather outside. I didn't feel like turning on a lamp. The dark matched my shady mood.

"Gee girl, what the heck is going on here?" After one knock on the door Daniel bursted inside. It's good that he only found me sitting alone in the dark, but worst case he could have interrupted me examining a patient.

"Hi," I greeted him not really enthusiastically. I looked at him. and seeing him smiling again I managed to make an effort. "Congrats on your time!" I said but my voice didn't turn out as excited as I wanted it to be.

He frowned and looked at me with a suspicious expression.

"What's wrong? Why didn't you come down to the garage?" He asked.

If I was more keen on the subject I could've felt the obvious disappointment in his voice. Instead, I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I needed to help Lee here," I lied. "I didn't do much as a doctor since I'm here so at least my office should look ready to deal with patients," I shrugged.

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