|Chapter 14 ~ The Edict Of A Realm|

Start from the beginning

"Rise Ferîan. I am glad you could join us." 

The voice was as strong as the very stone that the hall was built from and had an authority that could bring even the most powerful to their knees. It vibrated across the room and hummed through the walls with sheer strength. Ferîan stood up to look their Defender in the eye.

Angelus Duncan was tall for Lespharian standards and was exceptionally well-built, the physique of a soldier that had fought on the frontlines for centuries. He wore a black metal chest plate with the insignia of an Ertheon - a very dangerous species of draîonî - on its front. A red cape that reminded Ferîan grimly of Alium blood, hung down Angelus' back. His magnificent well-known night wings were nowhere to be seen. At least good for the current situation, since it was said that those wings were the last sight of the realm one ever saw before facing him.

Dark trousers and boots completed the defender's onyx hued look, also complementing his dark onyx hair. Anyone could see why females went crazy for him. He was extremely handsome in a rugged, male way with a sharp jawline and dark brows that made him look mysterious and robust. Angelus' slightly curled hair framed his face like that of a starry sky - slightly windblown even though the room was wind-still. His red eyes stared at Ferîan in slight admiration. That made sense since Ferîan and Angelus were well-known comrades and had fought side by side in countless battles. The two soldiers had respect for one another, but Ferîan knew his place when it came to political circumstances such as the current one.

Dread filled Ferîan's chest as his gaze moved from the Defender to the other figure that also currently joined them in the hall. Sîrîus was well known for his horrible temper whose likes could shatter the very bones of his enemies. An emotion that drove him to remove the very heads of his nemesis with a single furious swing of his sword.

It was for this exact reason that Ferîan was ordered to the hall. He had to take part in the Sîrîus' trail for what he had done in Osseus.

Sîrîus' grey eyes - the trait all Mountaî shared - were directed at Angelus in a surprisingly malefic way. The Lesphares was obviously not happy to be interrogated and Ferîan took a deep breath in order to calm his nerves. It came as a true shock to him that Sîrîus killed one of the Aliums who had tried to escape the encampment in Osseus. Not only did the Lesphares display the corpse in front of all the Aliums assembled, but spoke words Angelus never instructed him ever to relay. 

As Angelus' fellow advisor it was part of Ferîan's duty to oversee the punishment for matters such as these. He looked back at Angelus and found the Defender looking down at Sîrîus, giving him silent permission to start explaining himself. The latter glared at Ferîan before began speaking, Sîrîus' eyes a raging thunderstorm.

"I do not understand why Ferîan must be part of this Defender! What I did was completely necessary for our realm and for you as its leader. Why must I be questioned in such an idiotic manner?" The Lesphares growled, clearly not thrilled with Ferîan's involvement and making him regret his presence in the hall even more.

Angelus' crimson eyes held an unyielding solemnity as he inspected Sîrîus. "And what might that be?" The Defender retorted, his voice as steady as the very mountains, not at all how Ferîan would have reacted if being bawled out by the likes of Sîrîus.

The former was still not any less furious with his circumstances, fists clenched so tightly they were white with the strain.

"The Aliums are getting overconfident Defender. They are becoming more restless and wreak the very havoc they used to demolish their planet, here in our own realm. They could destroy everything we have worked so hard to rebuild and set fire to our history, our very inheritance!" He bellowed.

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