Misunderstandings and Colors.

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After they had finished their dinner, a lovely bowl of cereal earlier that night, they had returned to their room. Snatching up their phone, as well as their tablet and pen. A gift from their grandmother some years prior, and a cheap tablet pet, meant for calligraphy rather than art. They had grown used to the hard of the pen since then, and it no longer affected their work. Though it has now made them prefer harder pencil tips. Heading back out to the living room, they peaked at their phone, reading over the two sent messages. As per usual, they were brief and to the point. Regardless of this, it dragged a welcomed smile onto their features, both their eyes and smile lighting up, not even with the help of the glow of the screen in hand.

Sliding down onto the calming soft green of the two cushioned sofa, they tucked themselves back against the corner, and a decorative pillow wedged behind them for comfort. They set their tablet and pen beside them on the arm rest, not wishing to lose the smaller of the two to the cushions once again. They shifted their legs onto the soft expanse, sitting slightly atop the other, while the second rested atop the other, clothed foot dangling over the green surface's edge.

Reaching for their phone, which they had discarded rather gently, onto the brown of the racked coffee table before them. The top side of the surface was clean, save for a rose embroidered coaster, but the rack below it was filled with varying knick knacks. Mainly ridding of any perturbing feelings, allowing calamity to fill their sketching needs. The living room was their main source of inspiration after all. Ever more so as the sun hit perfectly from above them, casting perfect ambiance for their work environment.

They glanced over the message once more, before finally replying. They apologized first for their absence, explaining the need for a proper meal. They were surprised at the others' rather speedy reply, as though they had been waiting for the message since they sent his own.

Edge: That's more than alright. A balanced diet of three meals a day is required. Good for you.

Y/N: I mean, if Frosted Flakes count as balanced. I guess I'm doing well.

They set down their phone against the sofa, reaching for the settled tablet and placing it carefully onto your lap, shifting your stance to rest yourself back, feet raised and rested atop the coffee table. Who cared for manners when one's comfortably existed. Reaching for their pen, they tapped the top, the blue light beside the charging port lighting up, quick to automatically connect to their tablet. Another buzz distracted them once more, peaking at the faced up screen, the bright message dragging a burst of laughter past their lips.

Edge: I revoke my earlier statement.

Another buzz.

Edge: And here I figured you to be responsible.

They gave a childish pout at the second sentence, snatching up their phone once more, more than ready to reply in a way that would certainly justify Edge's claims. They decided not to do that. Instead opting to bring up their earlier mention of the game.

Y/N: On Twenty Questions. Gimme a minute to explain it to you.

Edge: Avoidance doesn't get you anywhere in life. Don't act so improper :(

They gave another chuckle at the frowny face, finding it oddly and adorably endearing for what they had seen thus far from Edge. Rolling their eyes, they ignored the hinting toward some sassing life lesson, instead opting to explain the game. Pressing their thumbs to the screen, they began their explanation. There were various ways to play twenty questions, some ways are guessing things until you figure out what the other is thinking. But for them, it was a game of back and forth question asking. They would pick a topic a day, Of course passing off each day, for twenty days, and ask questions revolving around that topic to one another throughout the day. Each would have ten questions each to ask daily around that topic. It was a good way to make friends at a reasonable pace that could and would fit to each party's schedule. They smiled warmly as they explained this to Edge, sending sentences in little paragraphs to really get into detail. Ever more glad at the comfort of knowing the other was on screen, the read receivers lighting off with each message sent.

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