Hello. Regarding Your Search For A Housemate.

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The stale air of summer turning towards autumn sifted in through the open window. It had been cool the night before, a gentle mist of rain had lulled them to sleep, as that particular weather tended to do. Now, as they groaned awake, they reached and heaved the sliding window shut, the temperate had sadly skyrocketed. Thus staling the air warm and humid, leaving a foul taste at the back of their mouth.

They smacked their lips idly, shuffling in their fluffy cocoon, heat begging their body to free their semi-clothed legs, and leading to carelessly smacking the confining fabrics away. With a few rather eccentric swings of legs. They laid still once more, hands thrown wildly behind their head, resting comfy on various pillows, staring up at the patterned brush strokes far above their head, swirling of white coats, beautifully layered together.
Their mind wandered to what would be needing to get done, a checklist forming within their head while staring upward, face scrunching and molding within each thought. Mulling over the tasks for the day ahead. They perked up at the buzz of their phone, lain to charge atop the bedside table, nestled against the base of their lamp, a simple black in color, it did its job.

They shifted up from the bed, allowing their sleep laced legs to slide over the bed frame, nestling their sock covered toes into the fuzz of their rug, a soft fluffy grey, unable to hide the soft pink of their foot wear. Stretching gingerly, they settled once more, reaching to unplug their phone. Stifling a yawn, they drew it towards them self, nearly choking at the email notification.

Someone new had replied to their advertisement. All prior had been dead ends, and they had been close to on edge with this, severally in need of someone to split rent with, their way of work and life could not hope to catch up at times. They had been rather pleased with their advertisement, depicting their living conditions, photos of the room, kitchen, bath and living room. As well as another other needed information. Telling of their seeking of a housemate to accompany them in their home. They could manage prior, with their old housemate, but after she had said her final goodbye. Moving out to live with her longtime partner. They were once again alone. Not that they were complaining, but with the rent now doubled, they needed the extra set of helping hands.

Hello. Regarding your search for a housemate.

Dear Y/N.

I am in a hunt for a place to occupy during this time of change in my life. Your current place of residence seems to be adequate for my needs and meets my living current requirements. I am willing to pull my own weight if you plan to do the same. If not. Please inform me, I will seek out another opportunity.

Thank you. Edge ☞︎⚐︎☠︎❄︎✌︎✋︎☠︎.

Pleased at such a simple reply, as well as the terms they so simply seemed to agree too, matching well to your own wants. They were quick to let the other know that you would be pleased to get to know them more. Offering this housing opportunity out to them.

Some time later, their return message was sent, and they set their phone down. They stood, stretching to ready for the day's work ahead of them. As a rather popular visual artist on various platforms, they made a good amount of cash through their works. For both fandom and an original making in the works, they gained much traction, ever more so now as they did live streams, broadcasting their works and gaining donations. It was a dream in the making for them. But since losing their old housemate, they had to pick up a part-time job, working as a waitstaff at a nearby restaurant. Thus losing much free time, and now only gaining the time to work on varying commissions.

They set their phone down once again on their side table. Moving to slip from the bed to stand and headed forward, stepping across the grey carpet and onto the hard of the shined wooden floors, feet slightly gliding as they exited their room. Heading down the hallway and into the basking space of the living room.

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