Chapter 42-Last Chapter

Start from the beginning


“Ethan!” Catherine greeted. Her right hand was held by Jason so she just used her left to wave at him. “This is my boyfriend, Jason and my brother, Stephen.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” Ethan greeted as he extended his right hand for the two to shake. “I haven’t heard about Natasha’s friend with Kate for a name but the name Stephen’s quite familiar.”

“Really?” Stephen said as he shook Ethan’s hand. “I hope it wasn’t that bad.”

“It wasn’t, I’m sure. I can’t remember much though.” Ethan answered honestly as Stephen released his hand. “Shall we go?”

“Lead us the way, man.” Stephen said, cheerfully.

“I hope you all don’t hate walking. It’s not that far though. Two blocks away and we’re there.” Ethan told them as he started walking towards the general direction of Priscilla’s apartment.

“Piece of cake.” The Prince grinned and trailed behind Ethan as cheerfully as Catherine has noticed him to be after his break-up with Priscilla.

Catherine kept her mouth shut but can’t help the giggles escape from her lips.

“Why?” Jason asked.

“Look at that happy prince, we have.” Catherine whispered making Jason chuckle. Luckily, Stephen was busy being the happy prince and didn’t look back.


“I’ll just go inside first and you all should come in on my cue. Is that alright?” Ethan told the three as they got inside the elevator.  The three immediately agreed.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Ethan walked towards the apartment and knocked. Natasha opened the door; the three knew that as soon as they noticed Ethan leaning for a kiss. There’s no way he’d be kissing Priscilla.

“Come in. Priscilla’s baking some cookies.” The three heard as they stood quietly few meters away from the door.

“Alright.” Ethan said throwing a glance at the three. When he stepped inside, the three then moved towards the doorway. The then heard Ethan saying, “I actually have a surprise to both of you.”

“To me and Priscilla?” They heard Natasha answered.

“Wow! What could it be, Ethan?” Priscilla said. Stephen immediately perked up as he heard her voice.

“I know you two miss your friends from Edinburgh so, surprise!” Ethan cheered as he opened the door widely.

Natasha’s jaw dropped open as she saw the three figures standing on the doorway. Priscilla dropped the spatula with her mouth agape.

 “Hi!” Catherine greeted, breaking the ice inside the room. “I hope you could still remember me?”

“Who…Who would not, Kate?” Natasha answered awkwardly. “Jason, right?”

Jason nodded and smiled. “Glad you still remember.”

“Steve…Stephen.” Natasha mumbled trying not to be as awkward as possible. “Please come in, everyone.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you’re friends with Kate, babe?” Ethan asked, clueless about the real status of the people who just entered the apartment.

“Well,…I never knew that you knew her too.” Natasha answered throwing a glance at Priscilla. Priscilla got herself together and picked up the spatula before walking briskly towards the Kitchen. “I’ll just…uhh…go…and get something from the kitchen.”

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