Chapter 35 -The Sixth Friend

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Sorry guys. I had a writer's block so I kept myself busy in making graphics then I got a little busy with school

Anyway, here's the 35th chapter. I hope you all would like it.

Lady Silena on the side ->> 

Chapter 35 –The Sixth Friend

“Hola!” Lady Silena greeted cheerfully as she waved a hand towards Priscilla. Her beautiful long and wavy raven hair was cascaded on her back. “Are you Miss Hamilton?”

“Si, Señora. Me llamo Priscilla Hamilton, señora.” Priscilla stood up and replied politely, bowing a little at the noble in front of her. She pulled her hair up in a ponytail to look more formal. She even slipped her bangs which she would usually let loose.

“Muy bien! Hablas Español?” Silena asked, grinning at Priscilla. She was obviously happy to meet someone who knew her language. She wasn’t expecting it especially not in America.

“Si, Señora.” Once again, Priscilla answered as she smiled at her politely.

“Eres Española? I’m sorry you don’t look really Spanish to me but I’m really impressed!” Silena praised as she sat down on the seat in front of Priscilla. “Please take a seat, Miss.”

Priscilla took a seat and mumbled a ‘thank you’ before responding to the Lady’s question. “My mom is actually half-Spanish and I studied Spanish back in the university, Madame.”

“Oh please, call me Silena.” Silena smiled at her. Priscilla just nodded and smiled back. “Priscilla, right?”

“Yes, S-Silena.” She managed to answer, smiling.

“Well…It’s a…an interesting name. May I call you by that?” Silena asked politely, smiling. Her accent was strong that Priscilla thought she could picture Silena speaking in Spanish. “Si?”

“Si, Señora. No problemo.” She answered. “In behalf of my boss, Maxine McLean, I do apologize that she can’t attend the meeting today. She wasn’t feeling well today, hence, I am here.”

“No need to apologize, Priscilla. Just please tell Mrs. Mclean to get well soon.” Silena smiled softly at Priscilla. “Shall we take our lunch first before you give me a tour to your warehouse?”

“Absolutely, your majesty. I mean Silena.” Priscilla answered and immediately corrected herself when Silena frowned at her direction.

The Lady just smiled at Priscilla. Both of them then stood up and made their way towards a private booth in the restaurant of the hotel. The meal was paid by the company and Priscilla sure got really full.

“It’s really rare to find a woman like you who eats that much, Priscilla.” Silena commented as sipped from her tea cup.

Priscilla just looked at her baffled whether what Silena said was a compliment or an insult. She knew that the Lady never intended for it to become an insult but maybe there’s just that jealous woman in her who just wanted to hate Silena.

“Lo siento, Priscilla. I didn’t mean it that way. It was a compliment, mi amiga.” Silena quickly apologized as she noticed the change in Priscilla’s expression. The blonde woman in front of her looked insulted and pissed.

“Esta bien. Don’t worry.” Priscilla smiled a little at the royalty in front of her.

“I am amazed with your appetite and your body actually. You are not like the others who starve themselves just to keep in shape.” Silena explained her voice really soft. Though she knew she has a royal blood and people treat her politely, she wouldn’t like to offend other people.

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