Chapter 5 - Losing (✔ edited)

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Hello! Here's the 5th chapter of my story. ^^


Please enjoy reading! ^____________________^

votes and comments are very much appreciated! :D


Chapter 5 – Death

It’s been five days since the accident happened but the man was still unconscious. Every now and then, Priscilla would  go home to eat, take a bath, change her clothes, grab some things for school and would go back to the hospital bringing some flowers.

She may not be a friend of the man or she may be clueless of his name, but she still thinks that it is her responsibility to watch over the man who seems to have no one else.  She brought him to a private room in the hospital. It was only her and Natasha who would come and visit him.

For the past two days, Natasha couldn’t stay with Priscilla for a long period of time, due to her having stuff to do, like an upcoming project. Natasha had been working with some designs she needed to present to her professor, and have it produced before her exam which is going to be in a form of fashion show.

It was already dark outside and Priscilla was still working on her thesis inside the hospital. She needed to finish typing it before eight in the morning. Her class starts at nine a.m. and she still needed to print it out. She still had to do her necessary things to get ready.

After finishing her thesis, she glanced at her watch. It was already 9:30 pm. She then cleaned up the table placing her laptop inside its bag and her books near it. She stood up and walked closely to the man lying on the bed. She looked at him and held his hand. “I’m really sorry. It wasn’t my intention. I hope you would forgive me. Please get well soon.”

She grabbed her things and opened the door. “I’ll be coming back after my class tomorrow.” She may have sounded crazy for talking to someone she doesn’t know and most of all someone who is in coma. Well, if he may have heard her, he wouldn’t care. He doesn’t know her in the first place, but Priscilla still talks to him. She felt really guilty of what had happened and she didn’t really care if people thought that she is crazy.

Priscilla quickly brushed her teeth, took a bath and made her way to her university afterwards.

“Hi Priscilla!” Simon greeted, waving at her. He is a friend of hers who has been pursuing her for years, but whom unfortunately she can only see as a friend.

“Oh, hey Simon!” Priscilla waved back at him.

He then walked towards her direction. “Want to grab some lunch together?”

“Sure, I don’t really mind.”

“Good! It’s my treat” Simon said as he smiled at her.


They then went to a restaurant near their university. Priscilla has been spacing out the entire time they made their way to the restaurant. She had been thinking of the things that occurred this week. It was too many incidents in one week.

First, her mom and dad came to visit her telling her that she will marry Prince Stephen who is her childhood friend. She hadn’t seen him for years. It was pretty stupid since this is the 21st century and no one forces others to marry each other; Secondly, the accident that occurred last time. She really feels that her life is so problematic right now. She can handle the situation: she knows that but why should it happen at the same time? She asked herself.

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