Chapter Five.

Mulai dari awal

for a moment I had forgotten that he was a undercover cop who was prolly brought in to spy on me. I felt free like I could be myself .

"how long have you been married" he  asked me and to be honest the question caught me off guard

"five years" I answered " last time I checked you were into guys what changed "You I was only ever attracted to you only, I am greysexual" I answered him and he looked surprised

"And as for my wife she is a one night stand gone wrong" I told him and he chuckled.

"very wrong I kept on emphasizing

"so why are you still married to her if you don't want her"he asked me." My family and my reputation and there a prenup" I told him sighing.

As the night we talked and learned new things about each other and I learned that he plans on opening a home for children who are living with alcoholic parents and I told him about my dream to open a school.

I learned that he was single and that he hadn't been in a relationship since we last broke up and that he was staying at the hotel just down the road  but he was looking for a place.

I gave him Trevor's business card because Trevor had recently started renting out penthouses and I told him go tell Trevor that he was my friend so that he gets a lower rent since policemen dont get paid that much

infact I was impressed at how he was selling the lie about being a journalist.

After a while the music calmed down and I guessed that the crowd was dispersing and people were getting ready to leave that's when I saw him checking his wrist watch.

Kaylib P.O.V
checking the time because the music in the club was dying." I need to get going " I told him finish the remaining liquid of my mojito left in the glass.

"coo let me give you a ride to your hotel" he offered standing up and putting on his jacket. "Oh no its okay I already have someone fetching me" I told him smiling.

" Kaylib I insist and I will take you to your hotel' he said and I new that I couldn't tell him no so I sent Ramonna a massage that she can go I have a lift.

she texted back "okay👍🏿" " let's go" I said. we exited his office and I could hear a Malaysia's voice shouting.

Tyler grabbed my and told me to tip toe so that she doesn't see us and we quickly ran across the club to the exit laughing. " Woah that was close" he said catching his breath.

" wait why is she still here though" I asked him entering the G-wagon and greeting the chauffeur. " she must make sure the club is clean and the rented cutlery makes it to the suppliers" he told me.

"To the Michaelangelon hotel" he told the driver.

my phone beeped and I saw Demetrius name and I opened the text

What happened!!!! call me.

"Something wrong" he asked me " oh no just my mom telling me that she and my dad are going to Beijing" I lied

after 30 minutes we pulled up to the hotel foyer " thanks for the ride" I said opening the door and as I was about to exit I felt his hand on mine " let me walk you to your room" .

"okay let's go 

"Remember Mr Wright from the store downtown".

"yeah the dollar store that we used to go buy our vinyls and vintage shirts" I answered him excitedly.

"his store is closing down soon, his retiring so he has a fifty percent sale and I was wondering how would you like to go buy some stuff" he asked me.

"yes lets do it damn man , I haven't see Mr Wright in so long how old is he again" I asked  him as the elevator made it to my rooms floor .

"hes 65 and he wants to travel with his wife" Tyler told me as we made it to my room. "I so dream of that you know" I tell him opening my wallet and taking out my key card.

"dream of being 65" he asked laughing " fuck you and I mean having someone to travel with and see the world" I tell him.

"But you can" he says nonchalantly I scoff at him and give him a seriously look " I am single at 29 I am prolly gonna die alone" he just laughs and I open the door and thank him for walking me.

"it's a pleasure he says as he makes his way to the elevator. " Kaylib he calls out " I look at him "One day I will take you all over the world he says as he enters the elevator.

I just blush and enter my room and throw myself on the bed and think about to night just laughing at the conversations we had and how I felt with Tyler.

just then my mind went to Demetrius and I new that I had some explaining to do on tomorrow at work.

Hearts of SpadeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang