Chapter 7

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" Ken! Tell me the truth! " Zaira yelled. She didn't even say " hello " to start the conversation, talk about manners.

" Yeah? " Ken replied.

Zaira's anger nearly blew up. Why won't Ken just be honest?

" An unknown number sent me a chat recording of you with Christy, you guys are in a relationship. Just tell me, be honest " Zaira said. Her eyes were already watering. She can't help it. She wanted to just let go of her anger and scream on Ken, but on the other hand, she also didn't want to lose Ken, the only one she lived for.

" Send me the chat recording, I'll see about it, " Ken said. Ken was already suspicious. Christy must be the one behind all this. She's the only one capable, and also the one who would have the evil heart to.

Zaira sighed and sent the recording. If he wants to see it, then he shall see it.

" Look, Zaira, this is all Christy's doing, I promise you, I'll even swear, this isn't true, she probably used like a fake chat maker and made this, I don't even have her number " Ken said.

" Um, you can't break a swear... fine, I believe in you " Zaira said. " But if I get another one of these stuff, we're done "

" Okay Zaira " Ken replied. Zaira then hung up. Again, no manners. That's how Zaira is when she's mad.

Deep down, Ken was pretty annoyed by Zaira. He knew that Zaira had problems, but he didn't know that she would make such a big fuss over a fake chat. She did say she believed in Ken, but she also said if she gets another one, we're done. Ken's pretty glad, he won't have anymore drama in his life, but also, he will feel bad for Zaira, they have been friends for more than 16 years! How can he leave his all time best friend?

" Who's this Christy girl? " Zaira asked herself. 'Ken said she was one of the most popular girls in Princeton, maybe she liked Ken? And she's trying to get rid of me?' Zaira thought. Zaira finally decided to do some investigating of her own. First, she texted Ken, asking him to give more information about this Christy girl.

Ken: Well... as we know, she is the most popular girl here in Princeton, she is also ridiculously rich, i'm not kidding, everything she wear is branded, I wouldn't be surprised if her underwear is branded, anyways, she said she is the mayor's daughter, and her full name is Christyna Georgina Susanne

Zaria read that message over and over again, trying to find a lead. Perhaps a light bulb will pop and Zaira will find a lead!

Zaria gave up after minutes of trying and finding nothing. She decided to wait for Christy's next act. 

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