Chapter 13

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 " Good morning Zaira! " Anne greeted. Anne came to Zaira's house as soon as she finished preparing.

Anne looked very beautiful in casual clothes. She was wearing something simple but chic. A pink crop top and white jeans. She also wears white high heels. She looked beautiful. On her left shoulders, a black purse was hanging. Her hair was curled and half tied. She also carried her small white luggage.

Zaira is also ready. She is wearing an off the shoulders navy romper. Her hair tied in a bun with her navy scrunchie. She also put on her navy high heels. She looked dark and magnificent. She has a white purse and is also pulling a small black luggage.

" Morning Anne! " Zaira replied. She was already back to her cheerful self. Zaira locked her door and they headed to the train station which is only a few feets away.

While waiting for the train, they waited in one of the cafe's, snacking and chatting. Reminds Zaira a lot of Ken.

When the train arrived, they boarded the train and sat on their seats which are next to each other. They put their luggage in the trunk above and tidied up a bit. They then tidied up their little belongings and put them in separate places. Finally, after tidying up, the train started moving, Zaira and Anne were sitting on their seats while chatting and playing on their phones.

The trip went very well. No stops, no accidents, very smooth sailing. At 10.00 a.m we arrived at the train station of Beacon.

" We are finally here! " Anne exclaimed. " I mean it's not that I was bored in the train, but most of the time I felt sick "

Zaria giggled.

" So, Anne, where to now? "

" We first need to go to the hotel I booked, " Anne replied. " It's called ' The inn and Spa at Beacon ' One of the best hotels, plus we can chillax in the spa there "

" Kk, take a cab? "

" Nope, by car it's only a 3 minute, we have to save money, so we are walking "

Zaria nodded. She really needs to exercise her muscles after sitting for a whole our in the train.

So, they walked their way to the hotel.

" We would like to check in, reservation named after me, Anne Bailey Avery "

Anne took care of the check in and in seconds they were already in their room.

" Should we take a rest or directly strike? " Anne asked.

" I think we should directly strike, the faster the better "

" Okay " Anne replied.

Zaira and Anne tidied up their belongings and left the room.

" I saw Christy's latest post, they're at the Beacon Falls Cafe, one of Beacon's most famous cafes, let's go there! This is our gold chance " Exclaimed Anne.

" Let's go then " Zaira replied, she walked to the door but Anne stopped her.

" We need a plan, how are we gonna make Ken notice you? " Anne asked.

" Um, " Zaira mumbled. They both thought about the perfect plan.

" How about, you come first, you sit in the table where Ken can easily glance and see you, then you sit down and play your phone, you are waiting for me, then, I show up by the door, you pretend to wave at me, but your eyes stare at Ken's - in a good way, Ken will see you waving a him when really you are waving at me, then we pretend to dine there, Ken will surely notice you, but if he doesn't, when we are about to go home, pretend to trip in front of him, that will catch his attention " Anne explained.

Zaria just nodded in agreement. She really wanted to get this over with - in fast. She could feel her organs dying and her body weakening, she just wanted to see Ken for one, just one last time.

Anne and Zaira headed for the door and took a cab right away to the restaurant. Their plan was ready, it's action time! 

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