
Luckily for Aizawa, all students had been accounted for and taken care of. Except from Todoroki, who he knew was with Endeavor. Aizawa made his way quickly to the ice mound, desperate to find an unharmed Todoroki.

Instead he was greeted with a site he'll never forget.

Endeavor was hunched over his son, perfroming CPR quickly, pleas for his son spilling out his mouth. Aizawa cursed and ran to his side.

His powerful student was frozen, not breathing, not responding. This scene tipped Aizawa over the edge. He'd already had enough stress; Bakugou, Midoriya and the others. And now Todoroki was fighting for his life for a second time that day.

"Endeavor!" He announced his presence, but the other didn't acknowledge him, focusing intently on reviving his son.


Endeavor's pained cries were not something Hawks heard on a daily basis, nor did he want to. The Winged Hero had been circling the island, making sure each student got the treatment they needed.

As soon as he heard them, he rapidly flew towards the direction of the cries.

He arrived at the scene in a matter of seconds, shock setting deep into his bones. Endeavor was pounding on Todoroki Shouto's chest, trying to ressurect him.

Hawks knew Todoroki was strong; he'd watched the Yuuei Sports Festival out of boredom and marvelled at the boy's control (as well as speculated over his lack of fire usage).

Now the impressive teen lay limp on the icy ground, lips blue and skin frosted over.


They all winced as Todoroki's rib broke.


Another one. Endeavor paused, stricken.

"Endeavor, let me take over." Aizawa said, nudging the Flame Hero's hands away and beginning chest compressions himself.

"Come on Todoroki, please." The other pro's could just make out the teacher's whispered begs.

Hawks realised how emotionally taxing this must be, especially as Aizawa was responsible for these kids. If he died- No, Todoroki wouldn't die, Hawks scolded himself.

A collective sigh of relief resonated around the pros as Shouto took a shuddering breath, followed by his heterochromic eyes opening and surveying the adults.

Endeavor leapt to his side, scooping his son up in one quick motion.

"Careful, Endeavor." Hawks said, stepping towards them with a friendly smile. He bent down, levelling Shouto with a warm gaze.

"Hey Shouto." The Winged hero said softly, grinning slightly as the teen made eye contact with him.

Shouto opened his mouth to respond, but a torrent of coughs came instead, leaving the teen shaking and wheezing quietly.

"Shouto, it's okay." Hawks murmured as Aizawa approached the three males.

"He needs medical attention urgently." The underground pro hissed into the Winged hero's ear. Hawks nodded and cleared his throat to get Endeavor's attention.

"If I take him-" The young pro began.

"No." Endeavor growled vehemently.


"You don't have a fire quirk." The Flame Hero barked, clutching his son even tighter. The two fixed each other with a defiant glare.

"Todoroki, you've got to stay awake." Upon hearing Aizawa's words, the other adults snapped their attention back onto the teen. Shouto's eyes were barely open, a cloudy glaze sheening them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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