17 | the unlikely friendship of joe liebgott

Start from the beginning

I've grown close to the men of the company and they're all so respectful and protective, but we banter a lot over the funniest things and that's what makes it such an enjoyable company. I've met a few other Polish members of Easy Company, one of them being Alex Penkala and he's been super sweet. I met Joe Liebgott as well, who makes me laugh and he's become like a sort of best friend to me, in a guy sense. I know I have the girls, but Joe's just always there, and he looks out for me. That's a nice feeling to have, especially now. I also met someone else, a sharpshooter and hunter, Darrell Powers, but we call him Shifty, because he's quick and 'shifty' on his feet in the field. We've shared a foxhole too many times to count by now and he's a great friend. There's also so many others here you would like, like Chuck or Floyd, Bill or Joe Toye, Don and Skip, George and Frank, Moe Alley or Alton More or Bull and Johnny and Eugene Roe, a medic with Lizzie. They're some of the most respectful men to the 3 of us women and it is a wonderful thing to feel as young women in a covert mission. I wish one day you can meet them all, just so I can show them the wonderful women who raised me. I always talk to them about you, and they always are so eager to listen and learn more about you. They're the best band of brothers anyone could ask for!

It's getting quite late, and Christmas Morning will certainly be lovely this year with Grace and Henry Burnett, who I am living with for the next year or until the mission. I hope you have a lovely Christmas and that babcia and dziadek come to visit you. I love you mom.

Your daughter, Hazel Parker

PS, England has treated me well, and I have too many memories to count from being with these men and women. I am grateful. I love you!

Hazel closed the tiny book and stared at the cover, running her fingers over the binding of the book, feeling the calming texture that reminded her of her mother's favorite coat back home that was also warm and fuzzy. Hazel turned and put the book on the bedside and snuggled back into bed, falling asleep to the gentle sounds of snow falling on the roof of the home. 

If homesick was the way to describe waking up on Christmas morning, than that was the feeling she felt so heavily in the pit of her stomach. 

Another Christmas without her mother.

But she was safe, warm, and loved and she needed to respect that because there were soldiers dying for their countries right now while she was safe. So Hazel slowly stood and headed downstairs towards the kitchen. As she moved down the stars, she could see snow falling still outside the window, as well as the gentle glow of lights on around the home. There was the sound of Christmas music on the radio in the sitting room, as well as a small purr from Freckles, the spotted ginger cat who liked to lie on the stars as the afternoon sun would come in through the window. 

Hazel gently pet his little head before sniffing the wonderful scent of a full English breakfast. Hazel stepped down into the foyer and turned right to peak into the sitting room where a fire was burning brightly and there were presents under the tree, all wrapped up beautifully in big bows. Hazel then glanced over her shoulder and into the kitchen and saw Grace moving about cooking, as Harry sat in a chair reading the paper, sipping his tea.

" Merry Christmas." Hazel said as she slowly walked into the kitchen. Both Grace and Harry looked up with smiles on their faces.

" Hazel! Happy Christmas!" Grace called, putting down the plates in her hands to wrap the girl in a warm hug. Hazel relished the hug before Harry came over and wrapped the girl in a tight hug.

" We hoped you slept well, I know I'm always too excited to sleep for presents in the morning." Harry said and Hazel laughed.

" I slept well, but I have to admit, I'm very excited." Hazel said and the couple smiled.

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