War, War. Who Will Win? [Edited]

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Hello people, demigods, mortals, gods, Primordials, Titans, giants! Thank you Raghav771981 for adding my story to their lists! And 2minty4u for voting, and RajaShekar1 , moonlightreader5 for commenting! And—

Clarisse: Oh just shut it already! Get on with the story, we've got a war to fight!

The rest of the Ares Cabin: Yeah!

Me: *snaps fingers* You shut up! Remember, I'm the author! I can control your actions!

Ares Cabin: No! Fight fight figh- *chokes*

Me: *grins* Shut up and let me finish!

And, thanks to all the people who read this! 475 reads? When I started this story, I had thought I would barely reach 100! And 20 votes, mostly thanks to 2minty4u for voting.

Thank you RajaShekar1 again for supporting me in the comments! This chapter is mostly of the war, also I think the twist will come during the chapter after this one...or maybe after that one. Whatevs! Thanks for reading this book!

WARNING : Will be a lot of POV changes in this chapter.

Iris Message: IM
Primordial Council: PDC
Throne Room: TR
Olympus: OLP
Camp Half-Blood: CHB
Camp Jupiter: CJ
The Hunters Of Artemis's Camp: AHC
Original Perseus: Ori Perseus
Original Jason: Ori Jason

Chiron's POV
I hefted my bow slightly and picked up another arrow. Looking around, camp seemed as unhappy as ever. No one wanted another war, yet here it was. And it was our fault, for believing those gods dammed new campers. But for some reason, we couldn't harm them in any way. So instead, we tossed them in the attic the Oracle used to reside in, and we locked it up.

Jason glanced around as well, and walked slowly over to me. "Is there anything we can do to boost moral?" His voice was barely a whisper. He hasn't been sleeping well, I noted. Jason's normal leader-like aura was gone, instead replaced with depression. He had bags under his eyes, and his blue electric eyes weren't as bright as when they were on the Argo II. His entire posture showed he wasn't on guard.

He has been like that since Piper left. Camp has been like that since Piper left. First Jason, then the head counselors and so on. We had absolutely no hope for this war. Elpis has left us, far gone. Might as well make a white flag and surrender.

"Dear child...I don't think anything can help right now." I told him gently. "There's only half an hour left. If you can do anything to bring them hope..." I put my hand on his shoulder. "We can only do what we can do, Jason,"

He shuddered. "What if I make a speech."

My tail swished slightly. "That wasn't a question. That was a statement." I sighed helplessly. "You are the General now, Jason. Whether you like it or not." Jason was the son of Jupiter, king of the gods. It was only fitting for him to become the General. And he was the most powerful demigod in camp. At least, for now.

Jason sighed. "I'm not ready. Those campers aren't ready. They're going against the heroes they've once admired. Some cabins are going against their own siblings. I myself am going against my blood sister. How are we supposed to do this?"

Chaos's Blessing III Betrayed [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now