Daddy Issues

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A/N: Only a few chapters left guys!


When everyone had awoke they took a trip out to Mrs. Vantas' grave to pay their respects and thank her for such a wonderful evening with them. Other than this, the day went on per usual. The book was now finished and Karkat stayed at home while Kankri did his classes. Sollux floated around to keep him company, though he mainly only served as a reminder that time was up. It seemed to have all gone past in an instant. Things were coming to a close. These were the final hours before Karkat would be sucked back into his body and wait for his fate to be sealed. 

Would he survive or turn into nothing but a ghost? The thoughts plauged him as he floated room to room, stopping in Kankri's and laying across the bed. He had so much that he would be leaving behind. There was a time where he thought there was nothing to his life but Terezi's sleep overs and judging those who had come into the bookstore. He figured if he had died there would be nothing he would be leaving behind but a sad friend who would some day get over him. But now, now he had a family. He had friends, family, a great job he wanted to get back to, and he knew the most beautiful person in the world, despite the fact he could ramble on and on. 

Sollux entered the room sitting on the edge of the bed with a frown. "Your dad ith at the hothpital."
"Good. I hope he croaks." But there was no real threat in Karkat's words.
"He'th not hurt Karkat, he'th watching over you."
Karkat frowned sitting up. "How much time do I have left?"
"Two and a half hourth."
"I'm going to the hospital."
"Once you get there you won't be able to leave."
"I'll get Kankri. We'll meet you there."
"Thanks Sollux."

And with that, Sollux disappeared without a trace. Karkat groaned floating up from the bed and out the door heading to the hospital. With the force that seemed to be pulling him there, it almost felt like he wouldn't need to move himself at all. The invisible power would just carry him there.
Sollux appeared next to Kankri at the bus stop he was going to take home. Kankri took no notice tugging on the strap of his satchel and humming a nameless tune. 
Kanrki jumped away from the sound be for letting out a sigh realizing it was only Sollux.
"Nice to see you. Will you be joining me home?"
"I'm afraid not. Karkat'th headed for the hothpital."
"So soon? Doesn't he still have an hour?"
"Two and a half. He wanted to thee hith father."
"His father is there?"
"Chritht, Kankri why the hell do you athk so many questionth? Yes hith father is there."
"Sorry. It's always best to have the correct information you know. I thought his father left them?"
"He did. The best thing is to head over there slowly to give him time to work it out."


Karkat made his way through the white boring chemical smelling hallways of the hosptial, counting the room numbers in his head till he finally managed to re-find his own. If his heart was actually part of him at the moment, he would be able to feel it in his throat. His dad sat holding his hand, he was dressed in a suit and tie. The stuble on his face framed him well, and he didn't look a day older from when Karkat had last saw him.

There was no response. His father could not hear him. The man only lifted his free hand to wipe the tears forming in his eyes, and cradle his head. "I'm so sorry, Karkat. I'm so so sorry." Karkat only floated closer in silence, to stunned to say anything. His father was actually here. After so many years. It seemed like a dream. All those fights, the horrible things he had told his father, he had come back. 

"I'm sorry for never visiting you. For never telling you it was alright. I'm so sorry."
"Why did you leave?" He knew his father wouldn't respond but he let the question linger in the air while his father cried silently. Karkat looked over to his body with a sigh. He looked so pale. Most of the bruises had faded into nothing, but several scars still remained. Karkat casted his gaze back to his father, only to be startled when their eyes met. Tears lingered in the older mans eyes.

"Oh my shit. Dad!" He didn't know what came over him then. Karkat had never been a huge person for making sure to bond with his biological familly. He had put up so many walls so his emotions would never get the better of him. (Though movies, Kankri, Terezi, and Sollux sure did know how to sneak their asses through the cracks) Karkat surged forward wrapping his arms around his father holding him tightly. Mr. Vantas happily wrapped his arms around his son weeping tears of joy.

"I'll never leave you like that again."
Karkat let out a sob burrowing his face in his fathers neck. "I-I'm sorry for saying all those fucking things-"
"Don't worry about it Karkat. It's alright. Everything is fine. You're forgiven. I just hope you can forgive me."
"I-I forgive you dad."

They spent an hour catching up on eachothers lives.


Kankri and Sollux watched from the doorway as Mr. Vantas and his son reunited happily. After the hugs and tears they finally pulled apart, and Sollux walked in with a small smile. Kankri followed behind him giving a small wave to Mr. Vantas that he returned.

"Karkat, I'm glad you fixed thingth between you and your dad, but you only have about an hour left."
Karkat nodded and took a deep breath gazing once more at his body. 
"Do you think I'll make it?"
"I'll do everything in my power to enthure it."
Kankri stepped forward and captured Karkat in a large warm hug hiding his face in Karkat's hair. It wasn't long before they all had to silently wipe tears away. Karkat hugged Kankri back tightly, refusing to let go. He didn't want to let go. Time ticked and soon there was only five meesly minutes left. Karkat wiggled away from his hug and embraced his father once more. 

"Thank you for coming back."
"Just make sure you do, Karkat." Was the only response he could muster without crying.
Karkat then went over to Sollux, fist bumping him and giving him a hug. "Thank for being my "not guardian angel thing" you asshole."
"No problem KK. I'll see you soon."
Finally, Karkat took a deep breath and returned to Kankri, placing his hands on Kankri's shoulders and lifting up slightly pecking his lips.
"If I get out of this like I hope I do...If you'll let me I want to take you out on a date."

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