Contimplation of Stupidity

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It had been a day and a half since Karkat managed to somehow crawl his way out of whatever he experienced inside of his own body. He would often describe it as fuzzy and dark. It was hard for him to remember. Kankri suspects he just doesn't want to. Which was okay, Kankri could respect that. There are just some things people don't feel comfortable talking about. Somehow, Karkat made it through Kankri's classes without causing to much of a scene except when Karkat got bored and started messing with Cronus's notebooks, which Kankri is almost positive remained empty since he didn't quite care for notes or listening. Despite all of this, Kankri was pretty good friends with Cronus. 

He had even dated him at one point, but that was the past, and Kankri had other things to worry about. Such as an extremely cuddly ghost who was floating on top of Kankri on the couch as they watched, "Surrender Dorothy" in the living room of Kankri's apartment. It's safe to say the two were a ball of tears and hugs by the end. Though the joy's and tears of the movie had distracted them from what was at hand there was no more time to just linger around and enjoy eachothers company. Time was ticking fast for Karkat and his life.

"...So I must admit, I did read through your story a bit. It's very good."

"Oh...Uh, thanks Kankri. I've put a lot of work in means a lot you would say that."

Kankri just hummed in response moving to grab the notebook Karkat normally would so pationately guard. Going back to his spot he flipped it open skimming the pages till he reached the last one Karkat worked on. 

"You should start trying to finish it. You're really close to being done after all."

"Hate to break your heart Kankri but I can only touch the notebook. Not the pencil."

"Oh I see..."
Kankri looked over at Karkat a moment unable to resist lingering on his beautiful lips. Though paled by the touch of death, it was hard to deny how kissable they were..and how his hair was a mess but...not and his smile could just light up the room. They way he would stumble when he tried to walk but forgot he could only manage to float. He was just so....-Kankri stop that you need to focus on helping him not thinking about how perfect he is. That will do nothing to help you.

"I could write for you."

"Write for me? That sounds a bit ridiculous and overdone."

"Karkat we have to get this written one way or another. Just...Tell me what to write and I'll put it on the paper. It's not that hard."

"Alright fine.... Read me the last sentence so I can remember."

And with that, Kankri read allowed and Karkat nodded in though, hand cupping his chin as he floated closer to Kankri. They talked long into the night over the book, scooting closer and closer to eachother. Blushes adorning both of their faces. 

"So wait, if that character is going back in time, where is the other going?"

"They aren't going back in time they're going forward! the other is staying there in wait."

"Are they in a relationship?"

"Yeah, its heavily hinted. They kiss near the end of this chapter..."

"Won't you get bad reviews since they're both guys?"

"Who the fuck cares? Do you?"

"No...I myself am gay."

"Oh. Me too..." Karkat found the table to be a very intresting sight, and Kankri's eyes seemed to just bore into the paper. He combed his fingers through his hair and looked up at him.



"Say we get through all of this... Would you maybe..."


"....Well, nevermind actually it was a stupid question."
Frowning, Karkat nodded and looked at the time. 12:00AM. shit, time flew.

"Kankri, don't you have class in 7 hours? You better go to bed. I'll brainstorm a bit here." 

"Oh shit! Thank you Karkat, sorry if my sudden language set you off in any way...please no negative thoughts okay? You scared me enough that first time."
Rising from his seat Kankri set off for his room changing into a pair of black and red boxers and a tee-shirt before cuddling up in his sheets and falling asleep.

After  so many comments saying I should continue this, I finally got off my ass and I give you this! Its rather short and crappy I am aware but it's all I could muster at the moment. My heart just isn't all in it. I'll do my best to get back into it but I cannot promise anything. If worse comes to worse this story will be put up. But I won't let it go just yet.

C: Thank you to everyone who commented 

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