The Black Ick

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It's dark, and there's a thick liquid surrounding you. It's all black and blue, like when you push on your eyes with your palms. Swimming and empty. But at the same time you're covered in a dark thick...ick. And you slightly disturbed at what it is. One moment you're waiting for the next day, the next you're...where ever this is. It feels like you've been in here forever, just swimming in the shluck. It's almost drives you crazy to think of. Were you stuck here forever? What even was this place? Maybe they killed him off early or something. You really hoped this wasn't the end result...The goop was far to constricting. It felt like you were choking, you couldn't breathe. Or at least, feel like you're breathing. You wish you could see. If you were stuck here forever, you had some fucking complaints for the manager. If you're being honest with yourself, you can admit that this is the most scared you've been since your coma because you don't know what's happening next. Granted, you hadn't much of a clue in the first place, but there were people there to help you.

And if you weren't grossed out and covered in sluk, If that was even a thing, You could better focus on getting out. But there was something else....Muffled sounds. Like if someone was talking outside of you. Did that even make any sense? You try calling out. Reaching and swimming above the sludge and goo, but no prevail.

"Karkat...You need to come back now."

Come back? Well that just sounds lovely. IF HE FUCKING KNEW WHERE HE WAS! 

"You're just scared, I know. It's not everyday someone gets into a coma. Or has a giant trial if they should live or die."

Why did that voice sound familiar?

"It's not that easy for me either. I hardly know you, and such a responsibility... Hell I'm scared for you. I don't even know how I am going to manage going to class tomorrow with you in tow. But hey...It's better than knowing you're gone for good."

You knew that voice!!! The bookstore...Someone from the bookstore. But the only other male employee was Kurloz. He gave you strange glances when you passed. You don't think he liked you. He didn't even talk that much...So it had to be someone else...Someone else. For whatever reason you tried harder to get out than before. It was so pathetic how did you get in here anyhow?! You had shit to do for god sake! The black gup around you becomes a bit lighter...Are you about to get out? What's going on?

"Karkat I'm worried... As much as I want to say that I'm glad youre stuck in there, I cannot. I cannot just go back to my normal life now. I've learned there is something else out there. Something past the endless pitch of death I always thought awaited me. And seeing you like this...I don't know. It...I want you back here. you have to come back. Hell, call me crazy, and HA! I think I am, for god sake I'm talking to a man who may or may not be able to hear me. Despite what your guardian angel says..."

"Not a guardian angel."

"Youre not helping, Sollux...Karkat. I need you back...Just...Come home soon okay?"

You're speechless. You have no words to scream into the dark now. The light is getting brighter and you're doing your best to get over to it. You needed to get to him. He wants you home. And you don't fucking care if you can't pin point who he is right now. You dont care because the fucking fear and longing in his voice struck you straight to the core and you are going to get the fuck OUT. You are going to fucking make Kankri proud- Kankri. It was Kankri. OF COURSE. Karkat you blustering idiot of course it was Kankri. It makes sense now...You don't remember why you couldn't tell in the first place. Maybe there's more to this black goop than you think. You can hear the scrape of a chair against the floor, and some fabric rustling. A bag maybe? All to fast the sounds of gentle foot steps are retreating from the room. What? Like...Leaving?

NO! they can't be leaving! Not yet, you were so close to the light! You can almost touch it, almost. You reach your arm out letting out a scream of aggervation. You refuse to be trapped here any longer! But suddenly, the light begins to fade, similar to Kankri's footsteps.

"No...NO! Don't go! Don't go! I can't do this on my own! Please! I'm scared don't leave I was so close!"
You reach out, fingers almost reaching the light, it's elegant shimmer growing faint and black goopy tendrils wrapping around you, pulling you back into the black. You tug against them with all your might. You can feel your muscles straining and you don't notice the tears of frustration running down your cheeks. You had to reach it, you had to go back. 
"LET. ME. GO!!!!"


That was all that could be said. There was nothing else he could possibly touch on. Possibly say to free him. Kankri Vantas knew the moment he saw Karkat that he was definently going to be a struggle. But he had never expected him to go and get hit by a truck. All of this was to strange and new to Kankri. Why couldn't he just let Karkat go? Why couldn't he just leave, without almost looking back? It didn't matter...Unless Karkat could find himself out of his own body he wouldn't be able to help him.

 He would die. Kankri cringed at the thought, clutching the sides of his sweater. No. No Karkat wouldn't die. Whatever else what else could spare him. They had to. Sollux stands beside you staring idly at the ground with a frown and furrowed brows. Seemingly in deep thought. Why hadn't Karkat gotten free? He was sure that would do it. Hell, he was positive. But it's different cases with everyone, truthfully.

The two troubled people can't help but linger outside the door for a moment. Waiting for some kind of response. As if it was just late, delayed. They silently prayed to beings they had no idea existed. Time went by slowly, and soon Sollux let out a sigh leaving his human form returning to his non existant but also existing form that tended to float a few inches above the ground with a soft glow around him. He had given up. Kankri frowned and looked down at his shoes. If Sollux gave up, he should too. After all, Sollux is really the only one who knew what was going on anymore.

Kankri stepped forward looking up from the ground, and towards the exit. He would come back tomorrow if he had to. As Kankri made a few more steps to the exit, he froze. The air was cold around him, as if embracing him. A soft whisper, weak sounding. Like a scared child, chimed in his ear.

"...don't go."

The Unfinished Book In The Back (Vantascest)Where stories live. Discover now