chapter twenty- seven

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just a little warning, Ashlia is a little scary in the beginning. 

also hi, im back


"We have three men that have stolen from us in the past." Jack announced coming into my office.

"Where are they?" I asked looking up from my paperwork.

"In the van outside."

"take them to Carter's room, I'll be down."

Last week I moved into the house with all my men. I was here more than at Antonio's house so I decided to just move here. I was never at Antonio's because I've been busy with the mafia, getting blood on my hands and torturing Carter.

I sent Jack to find all the people who stole from the mafia and so far he's found three within five days. Almost everyone who's stolen from us lives in Italy. So when I'm done with killing everyone in Mexico and America who stole from us, I'm going to Italy.

With the few weeks I've been the leader I already have almost every cop from America to South America under me. They didn't take my threats seriously at first, but once I followed through with them, every single one of them feared me. And the ones that still didn't take me seriously after I killed a loved one of theirs, are dead. People who don't care if one of their loved ones are killed, need to die.

I stood from my desk and made my way to the basement where Carter was being held.

Carter's heart actually stopped beating a few times, but every time he was brought back to life. The first time his heart stopped, that was his breaking point. When he woke up after the doctor brought him back to life, he cried. He actually cried. He begged me to kill him. While he was crying the most terrifying shit happened. I almost actually gave a shit. But once he started crying even harder my crazy side came out and any thought of me caring about him left.

"Miss Vice." The guard nodded as I walked past him and into the room.

"So how's my least favorite person doing?" I asked.

Carter looked at me with a blank face, but his eyes showed fear.

"What are you planning on doing today? Torturing Carter more, or killing these three." Jack asked motion towards them.

I want to kill the three men because I have a lot of anger built up right now, but I also want to torture Carter some. On the other hand, if I want Carter to live longer I'm going to have to give him days to himself.

"Let's give Carter a show of what's coming for him."

I made my way over to the first guy that's closer to me. It doesn't take a lot to tell he's about to shit himself.

"Who is this?" I asked.

Jack handed me a knife.

"Dante De Luca, thirty- five years old, has no kids nor is married. He hijacked one of our cocaine shipments five years ago. Carter knew he did it, but could never find him." Jack explained.

Dante tried to move the chair away from me every time I took a step towards him. Him doing that only made the monster inside me more satisfied.

"I would like to know how Carter could never find you. Where were you hiding Dante?"

I ran the blade of the knife across his arm, digging deeper the more I moved the knife. Dante would hiss here and there, but I wanted him to scream.

"I'm just that good at hiding, even the great Carter couldn't find me." Dante said, while smirking.

I pushed the knife into Dante's arm, once in a while I would twist it. The knife was blocking his blood from gushing out of the new hole in his arm.

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