chapter twenty- five

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I sat with my family as all the guests came in. Antonio and Carter stood by the door shaking hands with them as they walked in. They didn't want to seem rude so they greeted everyone.

Every single one of my men that are in the room, look like they're ready for anything. There are fifty of my men inside right now. Two of them are behind me, four are blocking the exits towards the back, and the rest of them are spread out in the room.

Before I came out of my room, I made sure to call my head of security to go over the plan with him. I didn't need to tell him to go over the plan with the others, he already did it before I called him. He's the head of security for a reason, and that was it.

The men that are going to surround us are five miles away sitting in their cars waiting for me to text them to start making their way here. People that drive by them are probably wondering why there's fifty cars parked side by side, but they can mind their business.

I have another set of men twenty miles away. They're going to come whenever I announce everything. I'm going to text them thirty minutes before I actually do it. It gives them time to get here and get situated, everyone knows when to bust in.

"Let's hope everything goes to plan." Jace muttered from beside me.

"It will." I stated.

Just because some of the plans in the last haven't worked out for me, doesn't mean this plan won't either. I have this one planned out to a T. Every possibility of something ruining it, I thought of and made a plan for that. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ruin this plan.

"It all depends on your actions. If you look, or even seem suspicious in a room full of mafia men who were trained on sniffing anything out, the plans ruined." I whispered harshly.

I'm not worried about any of the men I trained in my family, it's Ma who I'm worried about. She hasn't been training and can give a dead giveaway. Even though she's been hiding a lot of stuff from us our whole lives, the relief she feels that she's finally getting away from Carter could cause her to slip up and give away everything.

I'm not going to lie, I could slip up and fuck up this whole thing. If I get too confident and go carefree, I'll slip up and say something I shouldn't have.

"Everything's going to be fine. Stop talking about it, someone could hear you." Giovanni whispered.

It didn't take long for the room to be filled with mafia men and their dates. Some of the men had guards standing by them every second. Most men showed up with no guards to show that they're putting trust into us to not attack them. Luckily for them they're the one not going to be attacked.

I waited a few minutes to make sure everyone was here before I texted the first group of men. Ten minutes later I got a text telling me we were surrounded and was ready when I was. I made sure to have two men standing by the entrance just in case someone wants to leave. If someone does want to leave, then they'll be very pissed that they won't be able to.

"Ashlia, come here, I want to introduce you to someone." Carter said coming up to our table.

I got up and followed Carter, the men behind me followed in our footsteps.

"What's up with these guards?" Carter asked, sending dirty looks toward them.

"I just killed a mafia boss, I'm not taking a chance on getting killed because of it." I said.

I'm not lying. One of Cesar's brothers are here, he could bust out and start shooting.

We approached two men. One looked like a younger version of the other. You can tell it's a father and his son. (yeah no shit)

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