chapter three

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After one hundred hours of begging to have my own plane, my father finally let me have it. Not really, more like me following him around the house yelling 'please' for five minutes. I know he's not going to be ready for me and my begging to get what I want.

"Ashlia, get your ass down here! If you want your own plane you have to leave before us!" My father yelled from downstairs.

I looked at my suitcases on my bed full of clothes. I only used two of them, but that's only because they're really big. I'm strong enough to pick them up but I just don't want to. This is why I have brothers.

"Even!" I yelled for my brother as I made it look like I was struggling with picking the suitcases up.

It wasn't long before I heard him running down the hall and burst into my room with his gun in his hand.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked looking around the room and once he saw it was clear of anyone he puts his gun away.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just need help with my suitcases." I said while pointing at my bed.

Even though my brothers barely know me, I can tell they love me. People can hide what they feel on their face, but their eyes hold everything.

"Fine. Go downstairs and get your car ready." He said pushing me towards the door.

I thanked him as I walked out of my room.

I walked into the living room and saw everyone sitting around. Felix and Preston were on their phones while everyone else was talking. I'd hear my name here and there but I couldn't hear what they were talking about.

It took them awhile to notice I was here and once my mother's eyes fell on me she made everyone shut up. I could feel everyone's eyes on me and it made me feel uneasy.

"Um, I'm getting ready to leave." I told them then started to walk to the garage.

I looked around until my eyes fell upon the Renault Trezor. It's such a beautiful car. When I first saw it I had to have it. If you don't know what it looks like, then you have to look it up. The inside isn't like any regular car, not at all. The car is basically for lovers. It has feminine and masculine features, but if you're not into cars then it'll look like a really sweet car.

"My baby I haven't drove you in a while. I missed you." I said as I opened the top and hopped in.

I started the car and drove to the front of the house so Even can put the suitcases in. There isn't a trunk but there is a place where you can put suitcases. I opened the top again because that's the only way in the car, and waited for Even.


My fucking father lied. He told me that I can have a plane by MYSELF, but once I walked into the plane there was a bodyguard. I was getting ready to beat his ass until he told me my father sent him to stay by my side. I was pissed, so much that I almost got off the plane and go fight someone. Of course he stopped me. I then learned that his name is Luca and that he was told to do anything, but kill me, if I get off the plane.

Lucas cool though. He wasn't going to tell my father if I did something he wouldn't like, and I did a lot. I fucked up the plane he's paying for. I didn't fuck it up so much that it can't fly, but I cut the seats up. That's all I could do without killing everyone on the plane. But I did do something else.

"Can you please untie me? My body's starting to cramp." Luca said as he struggled to get out of the rope I tied him up in. Like I wrapped it around his whole body.

"You know, for the best fighter that works for my father, you were really easy to get in the position you're in now." I said taking a sip from some liquor. It wasn't mine, Luca ordered it But I took it.

"Well I have been drinking, and you took me by surprise." He said leaning his head against the wall.

"I'm surprised no one told you what I can do. Especially if I can take someone down that's ten feet taller than me."

"You're your father's daughter alright. I mean you already look so much like him, but you have the same attitude as him. I wonder if you can fight better than him." Luca said as he looked at me like I was a god.

He gave me information that I never knew about my father. I mean he's a mafia boss and they usually do have to learn how to fight, but I have never seen him do anything such as lift a hand like he was going to fight.

"My father fights?" I asked looking in his eyes making sure he isn't going to tell a lie.

"He doesn't just fight, he fights, kick ass, and wins. He's never lost a fight. The only fight he lost was a war that started when you were born." He said in his drunken voice.

The look in his eyes showed that he wasn't lying, and he's drunk so I know he's not.

"What war?" I asked getting up to untie him.

He watched me as I grabbed the knife sitting on the table beside him.

"The boss of the Spanish mafia always had something for your mom. He didn't care how much kids she had with your father, he thought your mom would fall for him and leave your father and brothers behind. When she got pregnant with you, Cesar the Spanish boss, got tired of waiting. He got into his mind that you were his kid and tried to take her with him to Mexico." He was going to keep going but I interrupted him.

"Why did he think I was his?" I asked.

"Well, about two weeks before she found out she was pregnant, her and your father had to go to a party with mafia bosses. He was one of the bosses there. He waited for your mother to get up and use the bathroom so he could talk to her. He followed her into the halls and forced her into a bedroom. He kissed her while she was trying to get away from him. It wasn't long before some of your fathers men found her, so he couldn't do anything but kiss her. But in his sick mind he thought he had sex with her. He sent someone to spy on us and once he found out she was pregnant his obsession became worse."

I looked at him to keep going.

"A month or two into the pregnancy your mom was left alone while everyone went on a mission to kill the rat that Cesar sent, and she was almost taken by him. Your father has cameras in the house that alerts him when there's movement, and when he kept getting notifications from every camera in the house he looked at the footage and saw that Cesars men was in the house and was looking for your mom. Once they found her your father was already there and took everyone out except for Cesar. He sent him away with a warning to stay away from his family. Your father should've killed him because once you were born he started the war."

I snapped out of focus as my phone started ringing. I looked over at my phone and saw that Preston was calling. Can I be on a call in a plane that's in the air? I don't think that's safe.

"Hello." I said as I answered the phone.

"Felix and your father are fighting." He said it like it's normal.

"What the fuck, why?" I asked.

"They started talking about how you need to be raised and your father said something about you being his daughter and he knows how to take care of you, then Felix pulled the 'I raised her not you' card and your father started throwing hands." He said as I heard yelling in the background. I would hear the sound of someone being punched once in a while.

"If they're fighting on the plane I'm going to beat all your asses. That's dangerous and if no ones trying to stop it i'll stop it." I stated.

"How will you stop it? You're in a plane and you can't turn a plane around and jump to our plane." He said.

"Once I land I'll get on a different plane and go somewhere no one will find me. I'm not going to be around two grown men that can't keep things cool." I said then hung up.

Well that ruined my mood

well it's better this time.

edited: ✅

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