A Solution

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Shikaku discussed various failed attempts and plans Konoha has tried against the village. This action enraged the present shinobi even more but what they did not expect was the last piece of information that was given. "Naruto... your father is still alive and working with the Hokage and Danzo I'm sorry..."


3rd POV

"What do you mean he is alive?" Naruto asked slowly, gaze hard and steady. Shikaku to his credit managed not to shift.

"Well from what I could gather in the Hokage's archives Minato didn't die that day, instead he was in a coma for about a month within one of roots hidden facilities. I can only assume from what has been going on that the Hokage wasn't brought in on the details until Minato had woken up. Either Minato is working willingly against you as revenge for your mother or Danzo has somehow managed to get everyone in Konoha under the same seals we were controlled with. If it truly is against their wills then we could be killing a lot of innocent lives in this world." Shikaku finished somberly. Everyone in the room was shocked and horrified at the amount of control Danzo had reached if that was the case. Naruto sighed and rubbed his face with his hands.

"Author-same why must you bring such misfortunes to me?" he muttered under his breath before standing. "We need a change of plans. The attack will happen in less than a month, in that time we must prepare to defend ourselves and find a way to counter Danzo's control." Naruto looked at Shikaku and frowned. "how exactly did you manage to break away from Danzo?"

The Nara clan head motioned his hand towards Inoichi and sighed. "He broke through after the stunt he was forced to pull against you through Ino. His mind was really sensitive after being forcfully removed, enough that he was able to sense and break through the commands the seal was giving him. Inoichi then broke all of ours after much struggle but couldn't continue because we were being watched after Danzo noticed we didn't react to a subtle command he had given us. The most troublsome thing out of most of this is that the seal is inside the minds of the victim rather than on their bodies. How they got there? the only way I can imagine something like this happening is with the use of the Sharingan."

"This just keeps getting better and better." Naruto said out of frustration. "so it won't be able to be removed through simple means but instead through Uchiha-Yamanaka procedures. We don't have enough clan members for this."

"Kit, you might be able to pull off a massive relaese technique if you use the Kitsune-Sage mode to your advantage. Remember that you have massive reserves and with the mode you'll be able to amplify any technique to godly levels" Kurama reminded Naruto within his head. Naruto nodded slowly and smirked.

"We can also use my ninken as a distraction form of resitriction aling with everyone else here. If any are injured we can have them fall back quick enough to be replaced while I work on on releasing everyone. Make sure not to kill but if it is your life or theirs... well, id rather not lose a loved one." Naruto said ending the last part in a soft tone.

"One more thing kit.. there's a catch to this which is why I said "might".. there MIGHT be a possibility of death from exerting yourself that much. It is a demonic technique and not part of your bloodlines which means it wont come as easily and the demonic energy might burn you up inside afterward." Kurama finished with a hint of sadness. Naruto tensed up his shoulders a bit before relaxing and looking down slightly.

"We have a solution, we go with the plan of distraction and release. That is how we will win and help release our people." Naruto said looking at everyone present. Deciding to not explain the possible consequences he dismissed everyone to train and sent a messenger to Suna and Sound in order to fill them in. Naruto sighed and shunshined to the park near his home, sitting down on the edge of one of the roof tops with a large tree giving him shade he decided to relax for the rest of the day and walk through the village he has come to adore so much. Watching kids play around and enjoy life was one of his favorite things to do in the village. It shows how much innocence is retained in a Shinobi village, it shows what he and everyone else fight to protect. Naruto smiled to himself "someday i'll have a big family with kids of my own who can exist and play in peace."

"You sure will" a voice said right behind Naruto. Naruto jumped slightly and turned around to see all of his boys standing there smiling.

"I must have been too distracted to notice them" muttered Naruto and walked up to them instantly being engulfed in hugs. Soon the boys all colapsed in a heap of limbs and laughter. For now they can enjoy these situations, not knowing how soon it could end.


Hn. Enjoy. Comment what u think. I Love reading them

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