Graduating! Masks off!

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Naruto's POV

It's been years. I'm now 12 and Graduation is in three days. Hn... we have all gotten stronger. Most of the people in my plan have gotten stronger thanks to Kurama's training schedule, and the clan training I have finished. Sasuke and I now have the Mangekyo as well as Itachi. We starved ourselves while meditating for seven days to obtain it. Once we leave we will do a three way eye exchange with the help of one of the legendary sannin. We have talked here and there when I snuck out of the village to explore nearby towns and left shadow clones behind as replacement.

~~~~~~~~~~~Flash back~~~~~~~~~~~

I was walking down the streets of Tanzaku town after playing 'whack-a-snake' and happened to sense a Senju in the area. I calmly walked to a casino where I sensed her in and walked in henged into a 19ish year old version of me with red flaming hair and bright hazel eyes 6 feet exactly just to get past the guards. I kept getting closer to the chakra until I saw a blonde haired lady. Tsunade Senju, walking away from a poker game due to losing to much.

"C'mon Shizune, let's give one of the slot machines a try. Dumbasses probably cheating." She said while clenching her fists. I smirked as she sat down and released my henge. I walked up to her as she was about to punch the machine and she turned to me with fury in her eyes. "What Gaki?!" She asked.

I rolled my eyes. "My name is Naruto Uzuamki. From the hidden leaf village and I seek something from you." I told her. She looked amused and motioned for me to continue. "how about we make a deal. I get u the money to pay your debts through these slot machines and you let me challenge you to a fight. If i win I get to try and convince you to be my ally." I said with a smirk.

"Alright kid, if you can't then you pay for as many rounds of sake I can go through." She told me while looking at my froggy pouch that was packed full. If you win I'll even throw this necklace" she said and I started at the necklace. It was important. Very important for the Senju.

"Prepare your biggest storage scrolls cause things about to get crazy" I said while inserting coins in all the slots on her side. I then ran forwards wall smashing all the levers downwards once I reach the end they all started blaring "WINNER!!!" and all the money it had inside came out to flood the floors while Tsunade watched in awe. "Make it quick I'll be outside." I told her with a smirk as I walked out and heard her yelling at Shizune to help her pick up the money.

Once she stepped outside she smirked and said "Well kid, thanks for the cash. All you need to do now is beat me in a fight. I know that's not gonna happen. All I will have to use is my finger." She said. So when she mentioned only using her finger I did what any rational person would do. I showed her the middle finger and wiggled it while smirking. I heard Shizune hold back a giggle and turned to Tsunade to see her with a look of fury.

"Begin!" Shouted Shizune. As soon as she said that I ran at half my speed, which looked like a blur and wrapped my middle finger around her extends finger while pulling it up so it broke. I then elbowed her across the face. She flinched and I dropped down and sweep kicked her so she fell with a thud on the floor. I twirled around while taking out a kunai and holding it to her throat. While she looked at me with a confused look.

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