Ancient Wolf Spirit Puppies?

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Tsume's POV

"Alright Hana, i'll be leaving you to heal him I must go pick up Naruto from the Yamanaka." I said.

"Alright mother." Haha responded while placing a palm with green chakra on the injured Nin-ken.
I walked out and headed towards the Yamanaka Flower shop. ' Damn it, I hate the smell of those flowers tch, all those scents mixed together. Yamanaka and their "Beautiful flowers" can't he see how girly it makes his clan seem? Whatever' I think while entering the shop.

"Yamanaka I am here for Naruto" I stated to the woman in the counter.

"Yes, of course I'll go get him" she stated as she left to the back door. I turned around to see a few flower bushes.... 'no.... must resist... indoors.'

"Here he is. Take care Naruto" She told the small boy next to her. 'Is that...? It is, a freaking girly flower crown. Tch and they said he would become a weapon, pathetic. I must be as kind as possible as to keep him but they didn't say I couldn't establish rules'

"Hello Naruto follow me outside." I said I as I walked outside and he followed me.

"Now, I want you to give me that crown your wearing."

"Why mommy?" He asked looking up with curiosity.

"We don't want it to get ruined when training now do we?" I say as I ruffle his hair making sure to claw his crown so it falls off. "See what I mean?"

"Ino made that for me *sniff* Now it's broken" he said with tears in his eyes and a pouting face. That actually brought a pang of regret to my heart, but I must toughen him up and show him the ways of an Alpha.

"It had to be done. You can get another one when you come back" I told him and he cheered up. "Now come on we have to get to the compound, and then get u a Nin-ken" I said.

"But I already have an animal companion" he stated.

"Yes but all Inuzuaka must have a Canine companion with them at all times." I stated back. 'I'm not waiting any longer' I thought as I picked him up and roof jumped back to the compound.

"Come on, oh and Cato stay outside the compound if u don't want to be dog food" I stated to the deer next to Naruto. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the house.

"Hana I'm home! You better have finished with healing the Nin-ken" I warned her.

"Yes mother, now I'm trying to find out who impregnated the female alpha Nin-ken" 'yes... we have been trying to find out what Bastard did that.'

" where is she now Ha na? She is due today." I asked.

"She's out back in her field" she stated. I grabbed Naruto and took him to the Female Alpha. 'Naruto is getting that Pup since Kiba already got Akamaru. It's probably gonna be weak anyways'.

Naruto's POV

'I don't like the way she keeps pulling me but she is mom. I heard her think that I'm getting a puppy yosh! New friend, We will become strong and inseparable' I thought as I walked to where mother Alpha was. I looked at her, she seemed weak and in pain.

"I don't think she is gonna make it. I'll leave u to her" Stated mom.

"Leave me to her? What do you mean?" I asked knowing quite well she wants me to guide the dog through birth

"You should know already your smart from what I've heard. Figure it out if you don't" she stated whole walking back in. I then heard someone say

"Please... help my child. I won't make it. Help him! Please! Quick help him!" I looked down to the Alpha Female.

"I will I promise Alpha, who is the father?"

"The father... is an ancient Elemental spirit wolf. A very kind and protective wolf. My child will have two elements flowing through his chakra reserves. Everything of his will be greater compared to a regular Inuzuka dog. He is a born Alpha. Tell him I loved him. Name him Paulani after his father's origin." She stated as I pulled the child out of her and her eyes dulled out.

"She didn't even get to see the pup... it's beautiful like it's mother." I look down in tears and happiness both for the loss and the gain. (Pic above)

"Welcome Paulani to the world of ninjas"

"Papa?" it asked looking up at me. 'Well we do have the same hair except he has more white... yeah he's my son from now on and I'll care for him and train him.' I said while zipping up my Dark Purple hoodie and placing him him inside.

"Yes, I'm your papa and best friend. You can always trust me okay?" I asked

"Yes Papa" He Answered back. I headed into the compound to get my Inuzuka Tattoo "I'm ready to be a true Inuzuka!" "Yeah!"


This Chapter was dedicated to... ME NOT BEING DEAD YAY.... T3T I hope u enjoy this new addition in Naru-Chans life <3 love y'all take care and good day my kibbles(don't ask. XD) Dark out.

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