My Best Friends Wedding

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Sara POV

I woke up the next day after that intense battle with Serrator. My head was pounding, my was body was sore. I push the blankets off me and sat up on the side of the bed with aches all over, " man, I feel like I was hit by a bus" I said to myself, then I hear a knock on my door, " come in" I yell and I hear the door knob turn and the door open to see Jayden there. " hey, sleeping beauty, how you feeling?" he says with a smile and leaning on the door frame. I gave him a look like yeah right, " I feel like I have been hit by a bus" I say trying to stand my legs was hurting so bad, I stood there to get my legs muscles stretch out and I stretch out the rest of my body. " you did have a pretty rough battle yesterday and used a lot of symbol power" he says walking closer to me. " I know but I had to do it to beat Serrator" I say looking up at him. We stand there looking at each other and I completely forgot I hadn't evening brushed my hair, brushed my teeth so I broke our eye contact. " Oh...don't look at me, I have the bed look" I say covering my face up and walking around Jayden. We both laugh together and he was watching me get my clothes out of closet and dresser. " you always look beautiful no matter what" he says, I quickly turned my head to face him and I was smiling big and I felt alittle heat on my checks, he smiled at me and walked out to leave me to change. I calmed my heart down which would not stop beating so fast and went to change into my training outfit, my body was not ready for training.

I walk out to the sitting room to see Kevin and Mike and Jayden was sitting down and noticed me and when he did the other guys notice me but I didn't see the girls, " your training today? after yesterday?" Mike asked, I gave him a look like no duh, " well yeah, why wouldn't I?" I asked with my hands on my hips. " you were in pretty bad shape yesterday, you should take it easy today" Kevin said and I was shocked that he said and he saw my shocked look, " really, Kevin telling me to take it easy and skip training, is this the really Kevin?" I asked pointing at Kevin and looking at Jayden who was loving this and smiling and looking at Kevin " ya, dude evening you got me questioning" Mike said we all chuckled evening Kevin. " Okay, okay I know but are you ready for it today?" Kevin asked " bring it on" I said " lets go out and train today" Mike said before walking out with Kevin under his arm dragging him along. Me and Jayden laughed, and as I walked up to Jayden he stood up, " where's Mia and Emily at?" I asked him " they are helping Ji with something today" he says as we walk outside to join Mike and Kevin who have been already going at it. They were very competitive with each other. " with what?" I ask but he looked like evening he didn't know, " I don't know I was wondering that myself but if it's Ji I usually don't ask and just do" he says grabbing the practice swords and handing me one. I chuckled alittle, " I can see why" I say and walked over to my end and stood to be ready. " you ready?" he asked standing ready, I shook my head, " yeah ready to kick your butt" I said, he just shook his head and charged at me but I was ready and we were matching each other like we were dancing like we do every time we practice together. I love practicing with Jayden then the others, he was more challenging and I liked that it test me more and I can try new moves on him to see if they really work and sometimes they do and sometimes they don't but I won't let him get the better of me either way. Our match was getting pretty intense, evening Kevin and Mike stop to watch us and they were impressed about our training but then I dodge Jayden's swing and swung at him and he blocked it but when our two swords met it felt like a wave electricity went through my arms and it hurt and I dropped the practice sword and held my hand. I thought I was going to have marks or something from what it felt like. I was holding my wrist and Jayden rushed over to me, " are you okay?" he says coming over and Kevin and Mike came running over to see if I was okay and what happened. " Yeah, I just think I probably pinch a nerve or something, it's fine" I say " let me see your wrist" Jayden says grabbing my wrist gently as to not hurt me evening more, but I think it was more then just a pinch nerve, it felt like someone shocked me but on a major scale. I didn't want to worry Jayden and the others. Then out of nowhere it started to rain, it was more a down pour really, we all ran inside quickly and we were all soaked, " where did that come from?" Kevin asked, Mike look at me, " why did you make it rain, it was a nice day". " I didn't do it, I summon thunder and lightning not rain" I said laughing. Jayden came up to us with towels, " guys, it was suppose to rain today" he says laughing at us, "oh sorry" Mike says Kevin shakes his head at Mike. " well I guess we are training inside today" I say getting chilled and I wanted to warm up some how, " hey how about me you go at it?" Mike asked, " okay" I say walking on to the mat and he followed. Jayden and Kevin were watching, Jayden knew that this was going to end badly for Mike and Kevin agreed. Mike started to dance in his stance like always and came at me but I blocked and dodge his every move. Then I attacked and he couldn't keep up with my moves. I was fast, he had a hard time but he thought he could trick me but I caught it in time and dodge it. I grabbed his wrist and pulled back his arm and flipped him. I can hear him groan, " you okay?" I ask " yyeesss" he says, Kevin and Jayden started laughing. Then Jayden's samuraizer went off, that sound always has me on edge. " yes Ji" Jayden answers we all gather around to wait to hear what ji wants, " okay Ji we will see soon" Jayden says and hangs up the phone. " what's up?" Mike ask. " Ji says he was held up by the rain and they will be back soon" Jayden says sitting down. " where was he?" I ask walking closer to him. " he was at the gate, helping them clean up" Jayden tells me and my heart sank, it was my mess I should be the one to help clean it up. Jayden can tell that there was something wrong, " Sara, are you okay?" he asks. " I should be out there helping them, I made the mess, why didn't he wake me up to help and why didn't we go there?" I say getting upset. " Sara, you needed to rest and recover, we stayed to make sure you were okay" Jayden says to try to make me feel better. " you were in bad shape Sara, it will be okay we can go out there another day if you like?" Kevin says. I turned around and walked to my bedroom and close the door. I leaned on the door and closed my eyes and seen yesterday play through my head over and over again. Then I heard a ringtone not my samuraizer but my other phone. I ran to where I hid it and quickly answered it but didn't see who it was " hello?" I answer waiting to hear who was on the other side and I hear Mary's voice, " hey it's me" she says " hey! what's up?" I ask her excited to speak to her. " not much lots of planning for the wedding which is tomorrow night remember" she says, I didn't want her to know that I completely forgot about, " yeah..wouldn't miss it for the world" I say hoping that wouldn't have to happen. " so I have all the fittings for the dresses except for yours, I need you today please" she says begging me, " okay okay, I will meet you at the park, okay" I say " okay, I can't wait to see you" she says excited " me too bye" I say and she says bye back and we both hang up. Now I have to try and sneak out of here without the guys noticing me, Jayden had already told me no but I can't say no to her. I quickly change into my black shirt and a black and white plaid shirts with skinny jeans and boots. I grabbed my bag and opened the door quietly, I looked around to make sure the guys were no where nearby. I quietly walked out into the hallway and closed my door silently and I started to walk to use the back door and I heard the guys in the kitchen, " great" I say to myself but I could use the front door so I quickly and quietly to the front door, as soon as make it outside. It was done raining too which was a plus. I quickly leave to go meet Mary at the park.

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