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I needed that

Tatsumi- what is an imperial arm?

As he says that akame unsheathed murasame to show Tatsumi

Akame- something like this

Tatsumi- that not very helpful

A/n- as much as I love this part I have to skip this part, Q_Q sorry


As Tatsumi and akame took to the streets I stay on the rooftop signaling if I see any guards

Y/N- "quietly " Akame

I signal and she grabs Tatsumi as I scout ahead I noticed something

I signal and she grabs Tatsumi as I scout ahead I noticed something

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Y/N- Rin

One of Azazel's spies have found you and run towards me drawing her two sword

Rin- I  finally see you again Azazel has been so sad since you left

Y/N- I have one time for you go back to his foot like the good dog you wanted to be

I walk off and but a dagger is thrown in my direction

Kai- play nice would you, after all, what we have to say might interest you

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Kai- play nice would you, after all, what we have to say might interest you

Y/N- no thanks " walks away "

Kai- fine I guess I'll have to kill that red-haired girl

I stop in my tracks and place my thumbs on the edges on kamaitachi sheath

I stop in my tracks and place my thumbs on the edges on kamaitachi sheath

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Y/N- what?

Kai- I'm afraid that's all the time we have, for now, ta-ta, oh before I go instead of getting again over the future stay focused on the present

He pointed to Tatsumi chasing zanku and jumps away

Y/N-( Tatsumi! )

In his direction only to see him hug zanku

Y/N- ( what the hell? )

Then he broke the hug a draws his sword and puts out a good fight is no match for zanku and is nearly killed

Y/N-( have to step in)

Launch myself towards him and locks to strike that would have killed Tatsumi

Tatsumi- y/n?

Y/n- you fought well but rest up until we have your wound treated

Zanku- oh what a thrill two killers going up against each other but I expected to come early seeing that I'm in your territory

I jump back and get into my stance

Tatsumi- be careful that thing on his head always hin to predict your moves

Y/N- I see

I close my eyes and take a deep breath

Zanku- clearing your mind so I can't read smart but I can still see your muscle movements

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Zanku- clearing your mind so I can't read smart but I can still see your muscle movements

He rushes me and tries to hit my with multiple Strikes but you dodge all of them

Zanku- ( what's this? It appears in not the only one who can read attacks)

As you cut arm you dodge another attack from the left

Zanku- tell me, sorrow killer how do you deal with the voices

Y/N- voices?

Zanku- shh, listen when it's quiet you can hear them screaming from hell, so angry, wanting me to hurry up and join them

Y/N- I've silenced those voices by setting their souls to rest

A moment of silents goes by

Zanku- you and I aren't so different, as shame ready to die

Y/N- after you

The two of you got at once again  but as traded strike, you noticed that zanku's  blades start to crack seeing as opening you stick the area until


Before you can strike again you stop everything goes quiet as you see  nano in front of

Y/N- how?

She walks up to slow

Y/N- I killed you how

As she gets closer one reverse grip slash to the throat causes her to fall and everything goes back to normal

Zanku- you didn't hesitate

Y/N- ... are the voices gone

As shock overcomes his face a smile replaces it given you a silent thank you before hid eyes close

Y/N- rest

As you sheathed kamaitachi you hear footsteps turning around to see it's  akame and the two you share a look before helping tatsumi

Y/N- ( I'll see you again, hopefully in person)


A/n- and that's the end of chapter 7 hopefully you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one

See ya

  A Simple Bedtime story(akame ga kill X male reader )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora