Yami Sukehiro x reader (Black Clover)

Start from the beginning

"Yami, you can't do that to the participants" The captain of Golden dawn interrupts. He lets me go and I dust off my shoulders. He takes his seat with the rest of the captains as the exam starts. It's fairly simple and soon we're at the final stage.

"Find someone to spar with"

"Hey Char-" I notice Charles is talking to someone else, 'Gee thanks' I roll my eyes as another guy comes to me

"Fight with me"


"I'm not going easy on you just because you're a girl"

"Fine by me"

We were the first pair to step into the middle. He takes out his grimoire smirking. "Earth Magic: Earthquake" the ground starts to shake and break from under me. I jump up starting to run around him. I take out my grimoire and flip to a random page. This should work

"Light magic: Sword of judgment" It pierces his leg and he loses balance. "Light magic: Goddess cage"

He touches the frame and immediately drops to his knees. Goddess magic can either give someone magic, or take it. In this case, it took his. The cage disappears and I put my grimoire away. 

After a while, everyone has their matches and the captains start calling numbers.

"Number 73" Charles steps forward and the captain of Gray Deer raises his hand. He nods and steps back

"Number 74" I step forward and every captain raises their hand. Yami jumps down in front of me and we make eye contact

"You're joining my squad"

"No" I simply say

"What do you mean no? Do-"

"I'd like to join Golden Dawn" The captain smiles and nods his head

" So you weren't always a Black Bull?" Noelle asks

"Nope. Yami here was pretty butt hurt when I denied him"

"Was not"

"Was too"

"You know what they say, once a brat always a brat" He rolls his eyes

"Anyways, I was in Golden Dawn for 3 years. Everything was great and I had no complaints. I would see Yami around every now and then but I hated his guts"

"You called Captain Vangeance?"

"Just call me William Y/n. Anyways the Wizard king wants to see you"

"What for?"

"He didn't say."

"Thank you Captain" I leave without anther word. I walk towards the wizard kings castle and knock on his door before opening it. 

"Sir Julius? What did you nee-" I pause when I see captain Yami there

"Why are you here?" He sneers 

"I could ask you the same thing asshole"

"What did you just call me?"

"You heard me"

"Okay okay calm down. I called you both here because I need you both to go on a mission together"

"Together?" We say in unison

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