Chapter 29

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Third person POV

Ever since Y/N left the pastas have been panicking.

"What if she doesn't come back..." Sally sniffs as tears threaten to pour out of her green eyes.

"I'm sure she'll come back," Mirror responded, trying to calm down the small girl but she didn't entirely believe her words herself.

"How about her phone? Can we track that?" Hoodie asked but BEN glumly points to Y/N's phone sitting forgotten on the table.

"I hope Zalgo doesn't do anything to her..." EJ mumbled to himself as he thought about the h/c haired girl they'd all grown fond of.

"Zalgo? Why would Zalgo know her?" LJ says after he heard what EJ supposedly said to himself.

The rest of the room looks over at EJ in horror of the idea and EJ sighs. "Apparently... he came to her door in a human form and gave her a number and maybe threatened her..." He explains and the pastas eyes go wide.

"I'll kill him!" Jeff yells and there are sounds of agreement from the others.

"Pika pika," BRVR says and they all look at him.

"Change back we can't understand you," BEN says to the furry animal about the size of a cat.

"Oh sorry," BRVR says as in a flash of electricity he changes from a Pikachu to a guy with black hair and yellow eyes  wearing a yellow Pikachu jacket. "I said Zalgo probably won't do anything now if he hasn't yet."

Jeff scoffs, "As if he cares when he makes a move."

"But what if Slendy gets her?" Sally asks, for once not referring to the faceless pasta as dad.

No one speaks as they hadn't thought of that. "I'm sure she'll be fine, we've all been weakened since Zalgo used this dirty trick and there's no way he knows about Y/N." EJ explains. The few pastas that haven't weighed in yet simply nod their heads.

EJ sighs and they all go back to doing what they were doing, though this time they're all slightly more tense without Y/N around.

"Hurry back Y/N... We- I need you here," EJ mutters as he looks at the stressed and tense creepypastas.


I'm not entirely sure how long I've been out here in the woods. I'm completely drenched and my rain coat didn't help as much as I was hoping it would.

"Maybe this was a bad idea..." I mutter as I look around.

There's no way I would find a pasta out here right? It's raining so hard they must have taken shelter somewhere.

As soon as that thought crosses my mind I have an idea where one would be. I start running down the path, trying not to slip in the mud and puddles.

Eventually the trail bends towards the road again and the trees break. That's when I see what I'm looking for.

It's an old bus shelter. The wood is rotting and the glass is stained but it's still there. Even though the buses don't run down this way anymore it's still left standing.

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