◾Chapter 18: How do you feel?

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Silence was only filled inside the room as the sound of clock ticking can be heard.


Which brings to our orange cat hybrid who is currently laying down on the floor staring to the ceiling he can't remember how long has he been there..


'What time is it?' Stampy thought as he look the clock squinting his eyes through the darkness as the moonlight was the only light source he didn't even bother to open the lights he continue to squint his eyes to have a better vision as his eyes adjust through the darkness the clock shows that is now..


The cat hybrid sigh as he lays back down on the floor he didn't have the mood to lay down on the bed. He much prefer on the floor for some odd reason.

His mind was else where it has been a week since he made the deal with the 'Demon' and now that his thinking about it making a deal with him is a bad idea yet, it was for the best for now.

Stampy continue to stare to the ceiling for a minute then slowly got up scratching his messy brown hair he walk toward his dressing drawer and wore his hoodie and exit his bedroom. This night he couldn't sleep and he needed some fresh air. As he slowly walk to the main door trying his best to not make any creak noise at the end he had successfully walk out of the house and feel the night cold wind making him slightly shiver.

He went through his garden then to his small pond he didn't even know where he was going but let his deep thoughts consume him as he aimlessly walk around the town passing through houses, shops, etc.

He continue to walk till he saw a tall figure in the alley way he can't see the figure clearly due to the dim street light in the alley untile the figure spoke.

"Didn't expect you staying up at this hour"

Stampy looked at the figure and was familiar with his voice "Who are you?"

"Hmm..You had already forgotten me" the tall figure emerged from the darkness and look down Stampy who is now eyes widen in shock


"Nice seeing you again...Stampy"


"You sure you don't like a drink?"

"No thank you, I'm good"

Stampy still couldn't believe Target was now in town he remembered last seeing Target in the airport with his sister Veeva since he told him they have a business at the other side of the country or they just simply want to travel.

"So...why didn't tell me your already in England?" Stampy began looking at Target, drinking his coffee out from the vending machine.

"I was till my some bastard stole phone" he replied

"Ah well have you bought another a new one?"

Target nodded taking out his new phone and thus making Stampy laugh

"Pfft.. why the heck is Pink?"

"Veeva bought it for me and said 'pink suits you' which I disagree" he explained

"Well, I bet dying your hair pink will look awful on you" Stampy said between laughs which slight irritate Target

"Do you prefer letting me shave your hair off?" Target replied as he give a hard squeeze on the top of Stampy's head making yelp pain

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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