Eddie felt relieved and hurriedly expressed that it was nothing.

Eddie hadn't noticed that Chigita, with his mouth full of cookies, had looked at him deeply before turning away to hide the sadness in his eyes.

[The probability of Chigita and the protagonist falling in love has dropped to 50%, may the host persist in his efforts.] 

Ye Zhizhou was stunned by the system notification that had suddenly popped up and turned to look at Chigita. He had thought that it would be the more rational Anuot whose love probability would go down first. In the end...

The next day, Chigita looked a little lethargic. Ye Zhizhou silently moved forward to pat him and handed him a pill to eat. Chigita doubtfully ate it but then his eyes lit up. He reached out a hand, wanting more.

"No more." Ye Zhizhou swatted his hand away, paused, and then asked, "That bag of cookies... Do you want to have it tested?"

When this was mentioned again, Chigita wilted. He listlessly said, "Give it to Anuot, he'll arrange the testing."

Ye Zhizhou nodded to show that he understood.

Two days later, Clay went back to the military headquarters. Ye Zhizhou was occupied with training and couldn't send him off; thus, he could only reluctantly use the communicator to send the other a few simple words of farewell.

Eddie continued to deliver evening snacks to their dormitory. Chigita's attitude gradually changed from pressing down his sadness and reluctantly accepting the snacks to widely smiling and accepting it as if nothing had happened. His love probability with the protagonist gradually decreased day by day, from 50% to 30%. There was no movement on Anuot's side, but he clearly distanced himself from Eddie. 

A week later, the test results came out. Anuot and Chigita silently sat on the sofa, both of them looking at Ye Zhizhou.

"What are you going to do?" Anuot took the lead to speak up with a very ugly expression.

[The probability of Anuot and the protagonist falling in love has dropped to 30%, may the host persist in his efforts.]

"Why would Eddie do this...?" Chigita could no longer deceive himself. He leaned back on the sofa with his head and shoulders drooping, looking very pitiful. "He actually added something into the snacks every day... It was fate that everyone was assigned to this dormitory, and we clearly just met each other. We had no conflict with each other so why would he do this...?"

Anuot wrapped an arm around Chigita's shoulder and comfortingly patted him. "Don't try to understand how bad people think. It's useless."

Chigita turned his head to bury his face into Anuot's shoulder, his entire body becoming listless.

[The probability of Chigita and the protagonist falling in love has dropped to 10%, may the host persist in his efforts.]

Ye Zhizhou put down the test results in his hand and thought for a moment before saying, "Let's report this to the teacher. We'll follow the school's policy on what to do in this kind of situation." The protagonist definitely had a reason to come to the military academy, but Ye Zhizhou still hadn't found a hint on what it could be. In this case, he might as well pull out the flags first. Giving drugs to classmates was a pretty serious issue, so the protagonist might be expelled. If it really did end that way, it would be very easy to pull out the five flags in this school.

"You're not going to confront him, to ask him why he would do this?" Chigita impatiently asked him as he raised his head.

Ye Zhizhou shook his head. "It's not necessary... These drugs would only reduce my endurance and reaction speed. The worst outcome would've been that I wouldn't be able to finish the freshman training. And you both know what happens if I don't complete the training. His purpose is obvious—he doesn't want me to stay in the military academy. As for the motive... Since this has already happened, there's no point in pursuing the motive. Besides, are you sure that he would even tell the truth?"

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