Story Of My Life

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Hey guys so just a warning this book will contain mentions of suicide, and boy x boy. I hate that I have to put that as a warning, but if you are okay with those two things, than please read on. Let's get this tape rolling!

Izuku POV

I woke up, and looked around my dimly lit room. It wasn't much, but it was home. It had a twin bed, with green sheets. With a small window, on the side wall. Across from the bed was a small book shelf where I kept all my hero journals. Then next to it was my very own bathroom.

I was still very tired, it was rare I got a full night of sleep, because of my quirk analysis. I can basically know everything about a person, object, or place just by looking at it. But then half the time my head feels like it's running a million miles a minute, because it's instantly taking in new information.

I yawned, and stretched my arms. I put on my bear hoodie, and opened my door and walked down the hallway, where all the others where. "Slay the bear hoodie!" Dabi, said shooting finger guns at me. I laughed and sat next to Himiko.

She was drinking a thick, red drink. I forget what it was called, but it allowed her to transform into other people. Twice was over, because they were planning a mission today. "Good morning, Izuku." Mamagiri, said sliding me a chocolate milkshake. 

"Good morning, Mamagiri." Tomura was scratching his neck like usual, he was usually a bit anxious before a mission. A took a sip of my milkshake as I noticed Tomura's face. "Tomura, have you been using the chapstick I gave you?" I said crossing my arms.

"Sorry, Izu I forgot. But I will once this mission is over." I nodded, and waved to Twice.

 "Good morning Izuku."

"No, have a terrible day!"

I sighed, as I finished my milkshake. Today the League was going to attack a villain training camp, they would be having a few others, to help them. I was worried about them, about six months ago Tomura went on a mission to a villain training base. He had a bunch of small time hero's with him.

But when he was warped back he had been shot four times. "Hey, Izu are you feeling alright?" Himiko asked, as she finished the rest of her red drink. "I'm just worried about you guys." I said. "Awwwwww, you care about us." Everyone said at once. I huffed.

"Just tell me you guys will be careful." Tomura turned to me. "Izuku with your notes we'll definitely win." I smiled. The League of Villains was a group of underground heros. But because they didn't work at big hero agencies they rarely met other heroes.

So my job was to go outside, and write down as many things about other heroes as possible. It would help them when they teamed with other heroes, on the spot. It was easy to get to know things about heroes, even their real identity.

Because of my quirk, I know everything about every one. I scratched my wrist. I had to wear this bracelet at all times, so they could track me if I got kidnapped. They were all a bit paranoid, but I just chalk it up to hero thing.

After breakfast, everyone started putting on their costumes, and I helped them get their weapons ready. A few others came to help out, such as a giant lizard with a huge sword. Also a person, with a huge cinder block, and some other person wearing a middle school uniform.

"What's with the kid?" I asked, Himiko. "Oh, that's Mustard his parents are heroes, so this is sort of like a test mission for him." I nodded. They were going to attack at night, but they wanted to stake out the area so they were leaving at noon.

Kurogiri opened the warp gate, and everyone started walking through. "Remember once we leave to immediately go to your room." I nodded, as Tomura headed into the portal and I was left alone. I would never say this to his face, but Tomura's costume always freaked me out. 

I knew the hands were fake, but it still freaked me out. I had to got to room, because they expecting to have to bring one of the villains here for questioning, they would come and get me once they were done.

They really cared about me, they never let any other villain they brought here, around me. I grabbed snacks, and headed towards my room. I had planned to binge hero movies, until they got rid of the villain they were questioning.

I turned on the TV, on my bookshelf and started my movie marathons. As I snacked on store bought popcorn. I also logged onto my computer. I messaged Hitoshi. "Hey, Hitoshi." He messaged right back. "Hello Kitten. Having a good day?" I smiled.

I might have a small internet crush on him. "Yes, yes I am." I typed. He said he had to get to class so I resumed the movie. He had recently gotten into 1A, the class he originally wanted when he signed up for UA. I was happy for him.

Time Skip

I eventually head the rustling in the bar. So I assumed that they were back, it was already midnight. How time flies. I wouldn't go out yet, though. I would wait until the dangerous villain was out of the bar. 

After a few minutes the door bell rang, about a pizza delivery. What, pizza? Eventually I heard an explosion. I knew I wasn't supposed to go out, but the bar could be on attack. I slammed my door open, and ran down the hall.

The bar was wrecked, there was a huge hole in both of the walls, but what scared me most was that the bar was completely empty.

Author Chan

Yeah! First chapter out. I've been wanting to do this book for awhile. Next chapter will be out tomorrow. It's time for me to roll out.

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