Chapter 2

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WHEN I CAME TO, I was tied to a chair and my hands were in handcuffs. A bare table sat in front of me, and a man stood off to the side whispering with someone. The man had long, scruffy black hair. He also had a scarf around his neck, paired with yellow goggles. His clothes consisted of a simple black pullover and loose black pants, then a belt tied the outfit together.

"Uhm, I don't suppose you could let me go?" I awkwardly asked. The man raised an eyebrow but made no notion of helping me. I sighed and made a pathetic attempt to shake off the rope around my legs. After a feat of struggling I gave up and slumped in my seat, a pout on my face.

"I'll need you to answer a few questions." The man said, his eyes travelling to the door which slammed open a second later. A new person entered the room, he had a long tan overcoat and a matching hat. His eyes were black, and shaped like rectangles, he was fairly tall and had short black hair.

"First off, who are you?" The scruffy looking man pressed, leaning forward in his chair slightly. The newcomer simply shuffled over to the open seat.

"Vel Solon, mage of Fairy Tail. I apologize for whatever ruckus I caused, but you can simply address it to the guild." I answered, staring the man in the eye. He let out a tired sigh and rubbed his temples in an annoyed manner.

"I don't have times for jokes, lets try-"

"She's telling the truth." The newcomer interrupted. Both men shared a short look before unanimously deciding to continue with the questioning.

" what do you mean by mage?" Vel let out a short laugh at his question. how do they not know what a mage is have they been living under a rock their whole life?

" You know the people who protect our country from evil? Speaking of where in Fiore is this?" I answered, with a confused expression. Apparently, whatever I said simply confused my interrogators even more as they were staring at me deep in thought.

"What's "Fiore"?" One of the men asked. I scoffed, idiots, not only do they not know what a mage is they don't even know their country.

"The country where in, duh, unless maybe where in Seven, or perhaps Minstrel." I mumbled the last part to myself.

"You're in Musutafu, Japan. And I suggest you start making some sense or this is gonna be a whole lot worse." One of the men sneered. I immediately got defensive, breaking the rope around my legs.

"Snow Fairy: freeze." I recited, a small magic circle appeared around my wrists and froze the cuffs which with a small tug broke apart and fell off. The man in front of me was seemingly confused, and his partner's eyes had somehow turned red and were glowing.

"How is your quirk working? I should be erasing it." The man mumbled. I cocked my head, but before I could question his words my pocket started to glow. I reached into it and pulled out the small scroll that had gotten me into this mess. I unraveled it, and started to read the words out loud.

"Congratulations you have successfully landed in a different dimension. You may return by reciting the same spell you used to get here, worry not your powers and memories will stay intact. Enjoy!" My eyes twitched, and I started to laugh. Well this is my own damn fault i guess. I stood up straight and extended my hand towards the glowing eye man who looked at it warily. "Let's start over, my name is Vel Solon and I'm from another dimension."


We were all sitting down at the table again, but this time I wasn't handcuffed and it wasn't an interrogation.

"Here how about I explain how my dimension works and you explain yours!" I suggest eagerly. The men simply shrug. The one on the left--the one with red glowing eyes-- I had learned was named Aizawa Shota and the one on the right was Naomasa Tsukauchi.

"Alright, in my world magic is an everyday tool, some use it to do menial tasks, and it is bought and sold in almost every shop. Although, some use it as an art they are known as mages. Mages band together to make guilds, they accept jobs in order to achieve fame and fortune. In Fiore there are many guilds, but in a certain town there's a special guild, Fairy Tail! The number one guild in all of Fiore. I myself am part of that guild. Anyway, every mage has some sort of magic that they specialize in, and it's very hard to learn multiple magics. I myself have a special magic that can only be learned if someone teaches them, it's called Dragon Slayer Magic. I was taught it by the king of water dragons, and was made an Ice Dragon Slayer. The Magic Council rules us and creates rules and regulations. And that's about it." I explained.

"So a dragon taught you magic that you can use to kill him?" Aizawa deadpanned. I sighed, almost everyone asked me this.

"Well no- I mean yes, but I would never use it against him. It was intended for bad dragons like Acnologia." I replied absentmindedly. "Anyway explain your world or whatever."

"Ahem. In this world we have quirks which are like powers. People use these powers to become heroes, but some people use them for evil and are called villains. Heroes defeat the villains and make money. Some heroes join agencies which are a lot like your guilds. And we have the Hero Commission to create rules and stuff." Tsukauchi summarized. A knock sounded on the door, and a moment later a weird looking mouse walked in. His hands were behind his back in an authoritative way. He had on a small suit, and there was a scar on one of his eyes.

"Hello my name is Nezu." He said as he approached the table. "I'm the principal of a hero school, and I would like to offer you an opportunity. I don't suppose you have anywhere to stay while you're in this world?"

 I shake my head no and avert my eyes to the door.

"Then join my school as a student, and if you're powerful enough as security." Nezu asks. I don't have anything to do while I'm here anyway, and there's no harm in making some money and having a place to stay. I nod in reply.

"Alright, you'll take a test. First you'll fight against one of my students in the first-year, then one in the second-year, after that one in the third-year and finally a member of the staff. Actually how old are you?" Nezu inquires.

"I'm 15." I answer. "I mean technically I'm actually 22, but I was trapped in time for like 7 years..."

"How do you get stuck in time for 7 years?" Aizawa mumbles under his breath, barely audible.

"Long story...." I say back, with an embarrassed blush on my face. "Let's go fight!"


Words: 1195 


feel free to inform me about any spelling mistakes! thanks for reading.

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