Chapter 28

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Before We Begin: 

Name: Reiner Braun

Alias: The Colossus Hero: Marley

Quirk: Titan - He can shift into a giant human-like beast through immense self harm. He has regeneration abilities to some extent, and the only known weakness is the nape where he resides while in titan form. 


Reiner is often regarded as the 'big brother' of UA, due to his warm aura and comforting actions. Most people call him by his nickname 'Colossus' rather than Marley. He has a cousin who also dabbles in the hero business and is constantly competing with another hero agency. His bestfriend is also a hero who works under his cousin's command. 

(I paired him with a random titan, well one of the only titans I can stand to look at)


"Let's go 'Nami!" I called out, with a determined smile. The biome I had been chosen to fight in was a forest specifically made to match Colossus' quirk apparently. I heard that the second-years always joked around by calling it the 'Forest of Big Ass Trees' or something like that. Not that it mattered since I planned to pass the exam even if it was in Reiner's natural habitat or something.

"Tch, I can't believe I got dragged into this." Tsunami scowled, she had been peacefully resting in the dorm when some hooligan interrupted her to fight. I know, what a monster.

"Don't be like that! You know you wanted to fight too!" I smiled, directing my attention back towards the forest although I was able to hear the exceed scoff and grumble.

"M'kay, so Colossus is in that direction." I declared, pointing in the direction of the escape gate. There were multiple routes we could take in order to get there, but I decided the best way to win was to simply charge in headfirst and hope all goes well!

I signaled for Tsunami to pick me up and start flying over there, which she did while grumbling incoherently.

I pointed to a nearby tree and Tsunami landed over there, roughly dropping me on a tree branch. From where I sat I could barely make out a small human dashing through the forest, most likely Colossus. He was probably doing the exact same thing as me waiting for an opportunity to strike at their opponent and catch them off guard. Although, that plan would be set to fail since I had spotted him first giving me the upper hand.

There were a multitude of things I could do from here, I could launch and attack, but if I didn't do it correctly it would reveal my location plus it has a high chance of failing. I could also try to make a break for the exit, but where was the fun in that.

I stuck my hand out and chanted a quick Ice Dragon Tail Spike, which sent giant columns of sharp ice hurling out of the ground near Colossus. The hero jumped back, his hand gliding along the ground to stop his momentum.

I cursed as the smell of blood flooded towards me. A bright light erupted from the forest, and blinded my view. Moments later a giant 15 meter beast. It had white plates of hardened skin covering the entirety of its body, except for a few muscles. The hardened skin served as armor, and it covered the same spots that armor knights would wear, just as I had thought.

"M'kay are you ready?" I asked, pursing my lips in anticipation. Tsunami sighed, but complied and started to take out a small bundled up cloak along with a couple pounds of glitter. A minute later we're both dashing towards the giant titan.

I quickly chant a spell, my hand becoming encased in very sharp ice. Tsunami dropped me off near Colossus's legs, while she flew towards his head. I jumped up as high as I could using a pillar of ice to propel me higher, using my encased arm I sliced across the titan's legs--specifically the interior of his knees where there wasn't any armor.

Above me, Tsunami was simultaneously using her magic to enlarge a blanket of sorts, and then throw it over the titan's eyes to blind him. The plan was to trick Colossus into believing he had been cornered and we were heading after the gate, when in reality it was just a plow to buy us time to set up our trap.

Tsunami swung down after poorly tapping the cloth to Colossus's head. We exchange brief nods, before jumping back into the cover of the trees.

"Alright, we'll begin phase two now." I mumbled, grabbing a stick and drawing out a map on the sand. Next to it I drew a terrible sketch of what Colossus currently looked like. "I want to try and use the handcuffs, but saying this I don't think I can get them on his actual body. I want you to use whatever orange glitter you have left to make the handcuffs big enough to fit on his around his ankle."

Tsunami scowled in response, her arms crossed. I offered an unsure smile, which was returned with her rolling her eyes.

"Fine, fine." The exceed breathed after a while. I glanced back towards our opponent who had long healed, and the cloth that was now in shreds. I grinned, and sprinted across the forest, my hand thrumming against the undegrowth as I crouched.

Once I reached a spot where I could clearly make out my opponent, I readied myself to fire off a distanced attack. I extended both my hands, my tongue flicking across my lips in concentration. Ice Dragon Eternal Snow, It was a move I didn't use often since it wasn't very helpful, but when I did use it the pros often surpassed the cons.

A small blizzard whooshed across the forest, leaving a trail of snow on the branches of trees. A soft blanket of fuzzy white fell across the undergrowth, and Colossus found himself covered in the same white. My sight was frosted over with snow, and I could barely make out anything, but I could still see a small blue blurb pushing through the snow.

The next thing I knew, I was in front of Tsunami helping her to clasp the gigantified handcuff onto the titan's leg while also trying to avoid his incoming attacks. He swung his fist in our direction hoping to swat us off his leg, I chanted a quick Ice Dragon Cavern, one of my only defensive spells. By the time Colossus' reached us we were already encased in a small ice shell, so when he swung it simply broke the ice, and by that time he had already lost his momentum so it was pretty easy to dodge it.

"Alright done!" Tsunami cheered, before pushing off the ground and grabbing my shirt. I watched as Colossus' fist made impact with the spot I had just been standing in, a small dent in the ground. I shuddered as I realized that could've been me.

I don't even realize that a bell sounded throughout the stadium till Tsunami brings me back into the present. She ushers me out of the forest and I glance back to see Colossus emerging from the nape of his quirk.

I rushed back to the surveillance room, which was mostly empty except for the select few who had already finished their own exam, and the few who weren't able to commune properly with their teammate. Tsunami had decided to watch the rest of the matches as she wanted to see how everyone else fared against their selected teacher.

"You did really good, I'm surprised you were able to come up with a plan on such a short notice." Midoriya praised. I shrugged, leaning against the wall for support. Currently it was Uraraka and Aoyama's match and their opponent was Thirteen.

"I spent my time researching different hero fights Colossus took part in to see if I could stand a better chance against him." I hummed in response, watching as the freckled boy's eyes lit up with admiration. Although before he could bombard me with more questions, the familiar ringing sound of one's cellphone sung throughout the room. I flushed pink as I realised I had forgotten to put the device on silent. The caller ID was just a bunch of numbers, and I didn't recognize the city it originated from, so I just hung up and then put it on silent for real.

"Ah, sorry." I mumbled in my embarrassment. Tsunami let out a small laugh from beside me, and I puffed my cheeks out in anger as the exceed continued to laugh at me. Midoriya who was watching the interaction began to laugh at himself which just caused my blush to worsen. 


Words: 1327


I'm kinda bad at fight scenes, but, uhh, here you go. Anyone know a good crossover story, for like any fandom...

thanks for reading, comment errors, and vote if you enjoyed

(I probably won't be able to update as much started next week since I have like exams and shit, and I got my phone taken away lol. I'll try to update every Tuesday though.)

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