«Listen, it all depends on if you have that moment or not. It doesn't really matter what happens in the future or if you can win your next match. The joy you feel beating the guy in front of you and when you're able to pull out 120% of your potential is everything. Well, at least that's how it is for me and it doesn't mean applies to everyone. I don't understand why you say it's "just a club", but I don't think you're wrong. But once that moment arrives for you» he points his finger at Tsukishima «that's the moment you'll be hooked on volleyball»

Akaashi listens with his hands behind his back all the monologue and Kuroo stand like he's eight months pregnant and that makes me chuckle a little. I give a thumbs up to my boyfriend and he smiles, proud of his words.

«All right, I answered your question, now help with blocking!»

Kuroo takes Tsukishima's arm and pushes him onto the court «C'mon, let's go!»

I step into the gym with Hinata by my side «Can we play too?»

At that moment a voice speaks above mine. I turn my head and find Lev glaring at Hinata but with the same hoping expression. He wants to practice too.

«We're too much for a three versus three» Kuroo mumbles.

«You're not if I do the ballgirl» I lift my arm. I don't mind looking from outside the court, you can learn something if you watch carefully the players.

Bokuto come close to me «Are you sure, Belle? You're way too cool to stay outside!»

I pat his head «Don't worry, I like to see you guys play!»

He grins and stamps a kiss on my lips. Kuroo and Akaashi just smile while Lev and Hinata run to me.

«Eh?! You are a couple? THAT'S SO AMAZING» Hinata starts jumping and Lev ruffle my hair like I'm the youngest one.

I blush «Thank you, guys» then I push them onto the court «but now play before it gets late»

When the two teams are formed I can't help but start laughing.

«Aren't these teams a bit unbalanced?» Akaashi's calm voice asks.

He's totally right. Neko's team is composed of Kuroo, Tsukishima, and Lev and Fukuro's have Bokuto, Akaashi, and Shoyō. Between them, there are at least 10 centimeters of difference.

«We're trying something new, c'mon!»

At Kuroo's words, Hinata and Bokuto start running into the court with their arms in the air and screaming a "hooray" while Akaashi has a dark aura full of disappointment surrounding him.

My poor friend.

«I'm rooting for Fukuro,» I say, positioning myself behind the boys.  Kuroo shed a fake tear.

«This is so unfair»

I stick out my tongue and Kuroo smirks. I know what he is going to do.

«If your gonna do a stupid pervert joke in front of some innocent ears I swear to God that I'm going to kill you, Kuroo Testurō!»

Only Akaashi and Tsukishima understand my words — Bokuto, Hinata, and Lev are still processing but I don't think their minds are going so far. Kuroo decided to live so he shut his mouth and the game can start.

The match is going pretty well for Fukuro despite their being the "short team".

Bokuto has taken under his wing the little crow and he is giving him some advice to spike better.

«Last one is yours, little one!» Bokuto passes the ball to Hinata who jumps, ready to spike. Unfortunately, he is blocked by Tsukishima who smirks at him like Kuroo.

«Tsukishima-san, stop talking with Kuroo, you're becoming like him»

An angry cat hissed at me «I hope you mean that he's becoming hot and cool»

«Nope» I make a pop «I mean a super hot and cool guy, of course,» sarcasm is spilling out everywhere.

Kuroo flips me a middle finger. Our little fight is interrupted by Yukie and Kaori.

«Boys and hot girl if you're not faster you're not gonna eat anything!» Yukie gesturing for us to follow them. Bokuto take my hand and start pushing me and Akaashi outside.

I take a look behind me and see Kuroo talking to Hinata «Shrimpy, we'll continue tomorrow, alright?»

«Yes, I guess...» Shoyō looks sad, probably want to spike more.

«Kō, you guys go eat, I stay with Shoyō a little more» I slide my hand away «see you after dinner, okay?»

He pout a little but then his stomach growl and he knows that is not time to argue with me «Okay, text me! No, I text you! Bye, babe!»

He hugs me tight and kiss my cheek repeatedly, making me laugh.

«No PDA near me!» Kuroo covers his eyes with his hands and steps out of the gym. Akaashi waves at us a follow his manager with Tsukishima and Lev by his side.

I turn to Shoyō and put a hand on his shoulder «Alright Shoyō, I text my girls and tell them to save us something to eat and we can keep practicing, okay?»

He flashes me one of his big smiles «REALLY SENPAI? YOU'RE THE BEST! THANK YOU SO MUCH!»

I don't even correct the "senpai" part and finish texting the Shumizen group chat «C'mon, I want to teach you something»

His excitement makes me smile too.

«Okay, this is a move I learned during last summer» I explain to him «I was selected to go to Brazil to train for their National Girls Volleyball Under 19 team, and in our spare time we play beach volley to improve even more»

I take a ball «I know you don't know how to toss properly but you only need to launch the ball really high, okay?»

He nods, positioning himself under the net.

«So we were playing against this amazing girls duo and one of them do the coolest thing I've ever seen»

I pass him the ball and he tosses to me. It's not perfect and a little too close to the net but I don't really care. I run to it, give me a push with the right foot, and jump. I lift the right arm but when I'm in midair I switch the arm quickly and spike with the left with all my strength.

Aurora Oliveira is the name of the girl who do that amazing move. She can always trick me even if I know that.

«Amazing» Shoyō is looking at me with shimmering eyes «you want to teach me that?!»

I shake my head «It's too soon for that» I take another ball from the basket «but I think that we can start working on spiking with the left, what do you think, Shoyō?»

He nods with a big grin «Let's do that!»

This time I'm the setter and he can do the thing he loves most: fight in midair.

I'm currently laying on the hill looking at the stars and waiting for Bokuto. He texts me right after dinner saying me to meet up here.

«What a wonderful view» I hear him say.

«I know, I'm beautiful» I joke, patting the spot near me. He sits down and looks at the sky.

«Hey Isabelle, did you still remember all the stars' names? You always tell them to me when we were kids!»

I stand and position myself between his leg. Now his chin is above my head and his arms around my waist.

«And you want me to list them now?»

He nods «Please?»

«This is going to be a long night» I mumble. He holds me tight.

«It's okay for me 'till you're here»

• the dragon of the court • | • k. bokuto •जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें